C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
other Act made at the same Assembly Intituled an Act prohibit-
ing the Inhabitants of this Province or any others from carrying
Liquors to the Indian Towns or Cabbins; one other Act made at
an Assembly begun & held at the Port of Annapolis in Ann-
Arundell County the Eight day of May in the year of our Lord 1695
Intituled an Additional Act to the Act for the better Administration
of Justice in Probate of Wills, Granting of Administrations, recover-
ing of Legacies & securing of filiall Portions; One other Act made
at the same Assembly Intituled, an Act restrayning the frequent As-
sembling of Negroes within this Province; one other Act made at the
same Assembly Intituled an Act for the raising a supply towards
the defraying the Publick charge of this Province; One other Act
made at the same Assembly Intituled An Additional Act for Regu-
lating the Militia of this Province, and an other Act of Assembly
Laying an Imposition on Negros and Servants Imported, And that
these scveial Acts of Assembly and every perticular clause & thing
therein contained shall be and are hereby revived and continued
to stand remain & be in full force & effect for & during three years or
to the end of the next General Assembly which shall first happen.
Acts of
Oct. 1695,
ch. 27
An Act for the payment of three hundred thirty three pounds six
shillings eight pence sterling towards the maintayning their Majtys
forces in New York.
Whereas her late Majty of Glorious memory by her mandate bear-
ing date the day of in the year of our Lord One Thousand
Six hundred ninety two, had given orders & Instructions to the sev-
eral respective Governors of these their Matys Plantacons in America,
for the raising a certain Quota of men out of every Province or Col-
lony proportionable to the number of Inhabitants being & residing
in each Province or Collony as aforesaid towards the defence of New
York, by which Government pursuant to her said Matys Orders
& directions as aforesaid the said quota of men have been demanded
for the defence thereof, or a certain fund of money proportionable
with the rest of their Majestys Plantacons towards the maintaining of
tlieir men in pay & service for the defence & security thereof as afore-
said, which proposall being taken into serious consideracon by this
present Generall Assembly and well weighing our Inability of sending
any force out of this Province it being thinn seated without any
fortifications and as open to the Enemy as any other of his Majtys
Plantacons here in America, Besides which the sending the said
Quota would occasion a great many Freemen to leave this their
Majtys Province as the very report of it to be done hath already occa-
tioned by computacon the number of Four hundred men, every one
of which by making Tobacco bringeth to his Majtys revenue no less
then tenn pounds sterling a man and so consequently a great lessening
of his Majtys revenue and the depopulating in time this his Majtys
Province aforesaid. Yet willing withall to the utmost of our poore