Impost so ariseing and a just & faithfull Account once a year thereof
to give & render to the Publick Treasurers of this Province for the
time being authorized for the receiving the said Impost, for which
they shall have for their Sallary four pounds p Cent, who are to be
answearable and give good bond for the same to be accomptable &
render an account to the next meeting of Assembly who shall have
the ordering and disposeing of the same except what shall be disposed
of this present Generall Assembly. And be it further Enacted by
the Authority aforesaid by and with the Advice and Consent afore-
said that every Master, of a Shipp or other Vessell, at the time of his
entry of such Ship or Vessell wherein such Liquor shall be Imported
as aforesaid shall render upon Oath an account of the Quallity &
Quantity of such Liquors as aforesaid and that the severall & respec-
tive Navall Officers within this Province for the time being shall at
the time of their entring such Shipps and Vessells as aforesaid take
good & Sufficient Securety in his Majtys name for the payment of the
Imposicon aforesaid to such uses & purposes and in such manner &
forme as by this Act is appointed; and that all persons Importing any
Liquors by Land from Pensilvania and not making due entry thereof,
or concealing the duty hereby imposed shall be subject to the same
paines & penalties as for not making due entry or concealing any
Liquors Imported into this Province by water as aforesaid And
be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by & with the
advice & consent aforesaid That one Act of Assembly of this Province
heretofore made Intituled an Act for the Imposition of four pence per
gallon on Liquors Imported into this Province, and every branch
thereof be and is hereby repealed, This Act to endure for three years
or to the end of the next Assembly which shall first happen.
C. O. s,
Vol. 731,
1694-1 702