Assembly declareing what shall be done by the Sheriff Ex Officio,
One other Act made the same Assembly for securing Merchants
and others Tobaccoe after they have received it, One other Act made
the same Assembly entituled an Act for Lymitacon of Officers Fees,
One other Act made the same Assembly entituled an Act for Lymitting
County Clerks Fees, within this Province, One other Act made the
same Assembly entituled An Act for the Ordering and regulateing
the Militia of this Province for the better defence and Security
thereof, One other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act
Ascertaining what damages shall be allowed upon Protested Bills of
Exchange, One other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an
Act for the better Administration of Justice in the County Courts of
this Province, One other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an
Act for Encouragement of Tillage, and raiseing Provisions for
advancement of Trade within this Province, One other Act made the
same Assembly Entituled an Act for Amerciaments in the Provintiall
& County Courts, One other Act made the same Assembly Entituled
an Act against the Exportacon of Wool and Old Iron, One other Act
made the same Assembly Entituled an Act for the Restrayning the
Exportacon of Leather and Raw Hides deer and Elke Skinns out
of this Province for the Encouragement of Shoemakers and Tanners,
One other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act prohibiteing
Forraigne Engrossers, that the said sevrall recited Acts of Assembly
and every of them, and every Article & Clause therein conteyned
shall & are hereby revived & Continue to stand and be in full Force
and Effect for and during three years or the End of the next Sessions
of Assembly which shall first happen.
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
An Act for Repealing certain Laws of this Province.
Be it Enacted by the King & Queens most Excellent Matys by and
with the Advice & Consent of this present Gen'all Assembly and the
Authority of the same, that one Act of Assembly of this Province
made at a Genrall Assembly begun and held at the City of St. Maryes
the Tenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand six
hundred ninety and two Entituled an Act prohibiteing all Masters of
Shipps or Vessells, or any other persons from transporting and con-
veying away any person or persons out of this Province without
passes. One other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act for
the Restrayning the unreasonable Encrease of Horses in this Prov-
ince One other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act for
Advancement of Coynes. One other Act made the same Assembly
Entituled an Act prohibiteing Trade with the Indians. One other
Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act appointing Peter
Paggan Merchant to be Agent for their Matys Province of Maryland,
the said severall Acts of Assembly and every of them, and every
Article Clause and thing therein conteyned shall be and are hereby
Acts of 1694,
ch. 17