Ldsp's gracious assurances of your protection, & that you wou'd
Suffer no Innovation on their Rights; for wch the Clergy in Mary-
land will be always bound to return the utmost Duty & gratitude to
your Lordship.
Notwithstanding all which as soon as the Repeal & Directions
arrived at Maryland, & directly contrary thereto, the Assembly there
thought proper, in May 1730 immediately to reenact, in Substance,
the before mention'd to have been repeal'd Act for Improving the
Staple of Tobaco, & the said Act (as your Petitioner apprehends)
has been lately transmitted to yr Lordship & intituled an Act for
improving the Staple of Tobaco &ca
That had this last mentioned Act confin'd itself to its Title, your
Petitioners shou'd not have given your Lordship this trouble thereon,
as conceiving that the Amendmt of their Staple is what may be very
proper for the consideratn of the Assembly there, & with which the
Clergy have no business to intermeddle.
No. 295 1/2
But what aggrieves yr peter & the rest of the Clergy is, that as the
former repealed Act took away in all events, a 1/4 of the Clergy's
revenue, This, in effect, do's little less. For it provides, that the
Clergy shall have but 2/4 of their Allowance paid them in Tobaco,
and as to the other 1/4, the Clergy are to take an Allowance for it at
the several stated prices therein mention'd, either in wheat, or in
Barley, or in Indian Corn or in Oates, at the Option of the persons
paying the same.
That in order to Obtain & Enforce this Clause upon the Clergy,
& as conscious that the same is not warrantable, & cou'd not be sup-
ported of it self, the Assembly have crowded it into this Act, wch
contains genl and perhaps necessary Regulations for the Improvemt
of their Staple of Tobaco, & wch contains moreover other genl
matters of a Public Nature not at all relating to the Clergy, & wch yr
Peter conceives was calculated for no other End, but that the supposed
weight & consequence of the other matters contain'd in the Act, might
out weigh your peters reasonable complaints, & procure a confirmatn
in genl of the whole Act.
Upon this occasion therefore the Clergy of Maryland are put under
the necessity of once more applying to yr Ldsp's Justice, & most
humbly crave leave to Represent the following matters for yr Ldsp's
Ist That the Crown was a party, in a very great degree, to the
Act wch Establish'd the Religious worship of the Church of England,
& the maintenance for its ministers in Maryland, not only as his late
Majty prepared & Transmitted the Draught of the Act thither, but
also as it was finally & Solemnly confirm'd, enacted & Ratifyed by
Order in Council after it had been past there; after wch it cannot
be in the power of the Assembly of Maryland to alter or Repeal a
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