Whereas I find upon Speciall Warrants, heretofore made for Re-
surveys of Several Quantitys of Land including Surplus Land
Granted by such Special Warrants [persons to whom such lands]
have been Granted are Negligent and Slow in paying their money for
such Surplus Land, you are hereby required impowered and Directed
to Cause all such persons immediately to pay you for my use what
they owe for such Special Warrants and more especially should any
of the Persons so Indebted to me, make the least Delay of paying the
same under pretence that it may be due to Mr Darnall and other the
Purchasers of the Quitt Rents under the Lady Dowager Baltimore,
upon the Suggestions of Mr James Carroll or any other person what-
soever, you shall sue them with the utmost Severity of the Law, and
take all the Advantages possibly in your power to Convince them of
their Error if they do not quietly Submitt after having Been Admon-
ished by you to pay the Same.
C. B.
June 19th 1728 Appointment by Charles Lord Baltimore of his
brother Edward Henry Calvert as first member of the Privy
Council of Maryland.
C. Baltimore
Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Mary-
land and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To our dearly beloved
Brother Edward Henry Calvert Esqr Greeting Know You that We
reposing Speciall Trust and Confidence in your Wisdom and dili-
gence have Assigned and appointed you to be of our Privie Council
of State within our said Province of Maryland And We do hereby
give unto you full Power and Authoritie from time to time and at all
times untill We or our Heirs shall signifie our or their Pleasures to
the Contrary, to Assemble and meet with our Governeur of the said
Province of Maryland and the other Members of our said Council
for the time being when and where he our said Governeur shall from
time to time direct and Appoint to treat consult deliberate and Advise
of all Matters Causes and Things which shall be discovered or
brought before you and the rest of our said Council, as well concern-
ing the Quiet Government and regulating of the People there as for
the Good and Safety of our said Province of Maryland. And for
No. 138
(See Calvert
No. 2954)
p. 55