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mack to the Quantity of at Least ten thousand Acres for my use.
As your Brother was formerly Directed if it is not already done.
7. Whereas Henry Darnall Esqr is impowered to let and Lease
Our Manners on the Western Shoar at the usuall fine of forty
shillings and Yearly Rent of ten shillings p hundred acres as also
to receive the Rents and fines, and the Arrears thereof, and to account
to me yearly for the same, such Leases to be for twenty one years
or three lives and no more, We do hereby impower you to Lett &
Lease out our Manners on the Eastern Shoar (our Manners of Ann
Arundel always Excepted & Excluded) under the Consideration and
for the Like Terms.
8 Whereas by our Twelfth Instruction formerly sent your Brother
Bennitt Lowe he was particularly Directed before he made out any
Lease or Leases of any part of the Susquahannah mannour formerly
forfeited to the Proprietary by Coll George Talbot to Consult Mr
Philemon Lloyd, My will now is that no Lease or Leases be made
thereof without my further Orders having some thoughts to Grant
out the Inheritance of some parts thereof to the People that are
Carrying on the Iron works thereabouts, You are therefore as soon
as possible to send me as good an Account as you can of the Value
of those Lands, by the Acre which I hear is Considerable that I may
know the Better on what Terms to dispose of them, Tho in the mean
time I would not have the Expectations of the People in the Least
Baulked, That the said Lands will be shortly parcelled out by Lease
to such persons as are willing to pay Reasonable Consideration for
the same.
9. You are to acquaint Mr James Carroll that I would have him
make out my Rent Roll according to my late Directions to him, In
the doing whereof I desire him to Consult with you and Transmitt
it forthwith to me.