422 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.
Liber LL, 5
whatsoever as if the same Deeds had been Actually Recorded Ac-
cording to the Express Laws of this Province any Law Statute
Ussage or Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding. Provided the
said Deeds shall be Recorded in Cecill County Records within Six
p. 222
months from the End of this Sessions of Assembly, Saving to the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his heirs and Successors and
all bodies Politick and Corporate and all others not mentioned in this
Act their respective rights.
Acts of 1728,
ch. 14
An Act for the naturalization of William Rayman of the City of
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Propretor by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the
same that the said William Rayman borne in Germany under the
Dominion of the Prince Palatine of Rhyne be Enabled and Adjudged
to all Intents and purposes to Demand and Challenge have hold and
Enjoy any Lands Tennements Rents and Hereditaments to which
the said William Rayman may in any wise be Intituled to within
this Province as if he the said William Rayman had been the free and
Naturall borne Subject of his Majesty the King of Great Brittain
and Leige person thereof he the said William Rayman having taken
the Useall Oaths to the Government Appointed by Law and also
that he the said William Rayman be and is hereby Enabled to Main-
p. 223
tain Prosecute Avow Justifye & Defend all and all manner of Actions
Suits Plaints Pleas and Other Demands whatsoever within this
Province as Liberally Frankly Freely fully Lawfully & securely as if
he the said William Rayman had been his said Majesty Naturall
borne Subject and Leige person any Law Statute Ussage or Cus-
tome to the Contrary in any wise Notwithstanding
Acts of 1728,
ch. 18
p. 231
An Act for the Relief of Francis Garterill of Ann Arundell County.
Forasmuch as it is Represented to this Present General Assembly
by the Humble Petition of Francis Garterill of Ann Arundell County
that on the fifteenth Day of September Anno Domini Seventeen hun-
dred and Eighteen John Garterill and Jane his Wife Parents of the
said Francis Did by their Deed Indented for and in Consideration of
the Naturall Love and Affection which they bore to the said Francis
give Grant and Convey unto him part of a Tract of Land Called
Ropers Range as Circumscribed by the Courses meets and bounds
in the said Deed Expressed to be held to him his heirs and Assigns
for ever after the Death of the said John and Jane And forasmuch
as it is further Represented that the said John and Jane after the
Execution thereof did in Due form of Law Acknowledge the same
Deed before Two of the then Justices of Ann Arundell County and
are since Deceased but that it hath so happened that the said Deed
hath never been Recorded Pursuant to the Direction of the Act of