Samuel the Younger as shall be SufP to make the said Betty Gale
and Levin Gale Executors of the said Levin Denwood full Satis-
faction and Compensation for the said Sume of Eight hundred and
Twenty pounds five Shillings & Seven pence Sterl together with
such Costs and Charges as they shall be at about the Recovery thereof
and to make & Execute any Deed or Deeds Conveyance or Convey-
ances for the Confirmation of such Sale And be it further Enacted
by the Authority Advice & Consent afd that the said Samuel Groome
the Younger his heir or heirs Devisee or Devisees and the Devisee
or Devisees of the said Samuel Groome the Elder and the Mortgagers
of any Lands or Tenements so Intended by this Act to be Disposed
off shall by Vertue of this Act and any Deed or Deeds to be made and
Duly Executed by the said Commissrs be forever barr'd and fore-
closed from having or Recovering any Lands or Tenemts to be sold
by the said Commissioners by Vertue of and in Complyance with this
Act any Law Statute or useage to the Contrary notwithstanding.
And in Case Either of the Commissrs on Either of the shores afd shall
depart this Life before the Execution and Determination of the trust
hereby in them Reposed that then the other two Surviving Com-
missrs or Trustees shall be and they are hereby Impowred to make
Choice of some other Third person as a Commissr or Trustee in the
stead of the said Commissr or Trustee so Deceased which said third
Commissr or Trustee so Elected shall have Equall right and Previ-
ledge with the Other two Surviving Trustees or Commisors and so
often as need shall require by Death of any one Commissr or Trustee
as afd the two Surviving Comissrs or Trustees shall Proceed
Imediately in the Manner above menconed to the Election of an
other untill the Trust by them in this Act reposed shall be fully
Provided Nevertheless that in Case any of the Mortgagers of the
Lands that are Intended to be sold by vertue of this Act shall be
minded and willing to pay and shall wthin Six Months after the end