cellent Majstes by & with the advice & consent afforesaid that the
Minister in each respective Church or Chappell doe in pursuance of
his Majstes Royall Letter directed to the Right Reverend Father in
God Henry Lord Bishop of London & countersigned by the Right
Noble Prince Charles Duke of Shrewsbury their Majstes principall
Secretary of State bearing date the thirteenth day of February, in the
year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty nine to be com-
municated to the Provinces of Canterbury & Yorke, by himselfe or
Clerke read four times a year all penall Laws of this Province made
for the punishment of Vice together with his said Majesties Royall
letter within their severall & respective Parishes on penalty of being
deprived of his Benefice, any other custome or usage to the contrary
in anywise notwithstanding; And be it further enacted by the
Authority afforesaid by & with the advice & consent afforesaid, that
the vestry men of each Parish within this Province have full power
& authority as a body Politick or corporate according to the Direc-
tions and Authoritie of a former law of this Province, Entituled an
Act for the service of Allmighty God & the Establishment of the
Protestant Religion in this Province, to sue implead & recover all or
any Lands Tenements or hereditaments whatsoever, goods, Chatties
or Creditts, by any waies or means given granted or bequeathed to
the use & service of the Church of England within this Province
Established or the Ministry thereoff by any denominacon whatsoever
that were at any tyme heretofore given or granted either before the
makeing of the said act of Religion or at any time after, & that the
names Sirnames & places of habitation & aboad of all maner of per-
sons within this Province except Negroes, Indians & Malattoes, that
are not born of white woemen, that shall from & after the publica-
tion of this act be borne marryed or buryed within this Province,
together with the Respective dates of the day of the month & year of
our Lord of the said Birth, Marriage or Buriall shall be exhibited to
the Clerk of each respective vestry of each Respective Parish by the
father of any such Child borne or shall be born the person marryed
or the next of kin Executor Administrator Master or Mistress to him
or them that shall be buryed as afforesaid within two months after
such Birth, Marriage, or Buriall afforesaid Under pain & the pennalty
of one thousand pounds of tobacco, the one halfe to the vestry of such
parish for payment & defraying of Parrocial charges & duties, the
other halfe to the use of the poore of the said Parish wherein such
default shall happen as afforesaid, & be it further Enacted by the
Authority afforesaid & by & with the advice & consent afforesaid,
that every Clerke of each respective vestry within this Province shall
at the cost & charge of the Parish within one month after the pub-
lication hereoff provide a good Substantiall and dureable Booke
whose leaves shall be parchment wherein he shall register in a fair
Legible hand the names Sir names & places of habitation or aboad
together with the Respective dates of the day, month & year of our
C. O. s,
Vol. 731.