It shall and may be lawfull for the Sheriffs of the Severall and
respective Counties of Charles, Ann Arundell Calvert Queen Anns
and Dorchester aforesaid after the End of the said Twenty Days
and the said Sheriffs are hereby required to Discharge the said
Thomas Turner Christopher Belrose Thomas Cobb John Gould
Thomas Beezly John Farrell John Clements John Hanley John
Beldom and Joseph Gough Out of Custody and to Suffer them to
go at large. And be it further Enacted by the Authority Advice and
Consent aforesaid that upon the said Thomas Turner Christopher
Belrose Thomas Cobb John Gould Thomas Beezly John Ferrell John
Clements John Hanley John Beldom and Joseph Gough their Com-
plying with what is required of them by this Act that they the Said
Thomas Turner Christopher Belrose Thomas Cobb John Gould
Thomas Beezley John Farrell John Clements John Hanley John
Beldam and Joseph Gough and Every of them their and Every of
their heirs Executors and Administrators shall be by Vertue of this
Act Acquitted Exonerated released and Discharged of and from all
manner of Debts Duties Claims and Demands whatsoever that have
been severally Contracted by them or have Arose Due or become
Demandable from them at Any time before the sitting of this
Present Generall Assembly And that in Case the said Thomas Cobb
John Gould Thomas Beezley John Farrell John Clements John
Hanley John Beldom and Joseph Gough or Either of them shall
after such their Complyance and Discharge as aforesaid be Arrested
or sued for any such their Debts or Duties as aforesaid or that the
said Sheriffs shall be sued for any Matter or thing required of
them or Either of them to be Done by this Act that then the said
Thomas Turner Christopher Belrose Thomas Cobb, John Gould,
Thomas Beezly, John Farrell, John Clements John Hanley John
Beldom and Joseph Gough or the said Sheriffs or Either of them
whom it may Concern may Enter a Comon Appearance without
Special Bail to any such Action or Accons as shall be brought against
Liber LL, 4
them Any or Either of them, And plead thereto the Generall Issue and
Give this Act or the Exemplification thereof with the Special Matter
thereon Arising in Evidence and that in Case the Plaintiff or
Plaintiffs Commencing and bringing such Action or Actions as
aforesaid shall be nonsuit the Defendant or Defendants shall recover
against him or them Double Costs of Suit any Law Statute Usege or
Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding
And be it further Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent
aforesaid that the sheriffs of the severall and Respective Counties
aforesaid and Every of them shall after such Surrender and Deliv-
ery up as aforesaid give publick notice at the Churches, Court houses
and Mills within the said Counties of some Precise Time by them
the said sheriffs and the said two Justices to be Appointed for the
Distribution of the Effects of the Said Thomas Turner Christopher
p. 611