Liber LL, 4
the Port of Annapolis One other for the Clerk of the Parish and
Sexton for the Time being, And the Third for the Clerk of the Vestry
and Mr Comissary's Clerk for the time being be and remain to the
severall uses as originally Designed in laying Out the said Lots
and According to an Ordinance of Assembly made April the ninth
Seventeen hundred & Six for ever as by the said Act of Assembly
Reference being thereto had may more fully Appear And Whereas
for want of proper Encouragement to Improve the said Lots they
became useless to the Rector of the Parish Contrary to the Intention
of the Act aforesaid It is Prayed that it may be Enacted.
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governeur
And the upper and lower houses of Assembly and the Authority
of the same that for the future to Encourage such as will build upon
or Otherwise Improve the said Lots it shall and may be lawfull for
the Rector or Incumbent for the time being and he is by this Act
Impowered to Set or lease the said Lots or any part of the said Lots
for a Term of years not Exceeding the Term of Twenty one years
to such Person or Persons as shall be willing to build upon & Improve
the same. During which Term of years the Lessee or Lessees and
those Deriving under them shall have and Enjoy an Undisturbed
and Peaceable Possession of such Lots or Part of Lots without any
Let hindrance or Molestation whatsoever.
Provided nevertheless that if any future Incumbent of the Parish
aforesaid shall be Desirous to settle on or Improve the said Lots
or any part of them whereon the Lessee or Lessees have built or made
any Other Improvement it shall be lawfull for him so to do, he the
said Incumbent first Reimbursing the said Lessee or lessees all the
Charges and Expences they have been at in the Building upon or
Otherwise Improveing the same, And the said Lease shall then
become Void any thing in this Act to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Acts of
Oct. 1723,
Ch. 22
p. 608
An Act for the Releif of Thomas Turner of Charles County Gent,
Christopher Belrose, Thomas Cobb, John Gould, Thomas Beezly
and John Ferrell of Ann Arundell County, John Beldom, and
John Hanly of Calvert County Joseph Gough of Queen Anns
County and John Clements of Dorchester County Languishing
Whereas Thomas Turner of Charles County Christopher Belrose
Thomas Cobb John Gould Thomas Beezly and John Ferrell of Ann
Arundell County John Beldom and John Hanley of Calvert County
Joseph Gough of Queen Ann's County and John Clements of Dorches-
ter County have by their humble Petitions to this Present Generall
Assembly Severally set forth that they have Continued Pris-
oners for Debt in the Custody of the sheriffs of the Severall Countys