pear before them at a Certain Day by them to be appointed upon the
Lands the boundarys whereof are to be Proved or perpetuated and to
Examine All such Evidences upon their Corporall Oaths (to be Ad-
ministred by such Commissioners) of their knowledge Concerning
the severall Bounds of such Lands and Carefully to reduce what the
Evidences shall Declare into Writing in the presence of all the Parties
Concerned that shall be there Present and return the same to the
County Court where the Land lyes to be Recorded in Perpetual Mem-
ory. And Be it Enacted that all Examinations of Wittnesses that
shall be taken by Vertue of and in pursuance of this Act shall be as
good and available as if taken according to the Rules and Practice
of the Court of Chancery any Defect or want of form or of fileing or
Exhibiting a Bill or any Law usage or Custom to the Contrary
notwithstanding Provided always that the Comissioners to be Ap-
pointed by Vertue of this Act shall before their Meeting on such
Land where all Parties Concerned live in the County or where they
are not known Affix Publick notes at the Parish Church where the
land lies three Sundays at the least before their meeting Intimating
their Intentions and the Time they shall Appoint and shall Cause
the like notes to be put up in the most Publick Places in the County
Twenty Days before such meeting and that where all persons Inter-
ested are known and any one of them lives Out of the County that
notice shall be given by affixing a note at the Church Door of the
Parish in which the Party resides forty Days at the least before such
meeting of the Commissioners and that the Commissioners shall
return a Certificate of haveing given notice directed by this Act
with the Examination of the witnesses.
And Whereas many Persons in the Remoter Countys of this Prov-
ince having Equitable Rights against the Recoveries of Law that
happen against them in such Counties but before the Inconveniency
of their purchasing Injunctions as the Practice stands at present are
obliged to submitt to the Injuries they receive or to procure sureties
to go with them to Annapolis to Enter into Bond in the Chancery
Office which is almost Impracticable for Remedy whereof
Be it further Enacted that in Case any Person shall think fitt to
Proceed in Equity against Any Verdict or Judgment rendred against
him on his application to the County Court It shall and may be
lawfull for such County Court to take Sufficient Security from such
Person with two Sufficient Sureties in not less then Double the Debt
and Cost recovered against him for the Due Prosecution of a Writt
of Injunction in that Case according to the form following. Know
All Men by these Presents that we A B: C D: & E F of ....
County are held & firmly bound unto R M of &c in the full & Just
sume of..... to be paid to the said R M, his Executors Adminis-
trators or Assignes, to the true payment whereof we bind Our