Liber LL, 4
and successors & of all bodys politick and Corporate, Provided
Nevertheless that in Case the said Wm Griffin, Wm Jarvis, and Robt
Morris or Either of them shall at any time after the Makeing such
his or their Oath or Oaths or takeing such Test afd be Convict of
Willfull and Corrupt perjury there upon or of a Willfull breach or
non Complyance with the Tenure of such Test that then the said Wm
Griffin Wm Jarvis and Robt Morris or such of them as shall be Con-
vict as afd shall upon such Conviction be adjudged to stand two
houres in the Pillory and have his left Ear Cut off and shall be wholy
Deprived of any benefit Designed him them or Either of them by this
Eaw and shall be from thenceforth lyable to be prosecuted for any
Debts or Demands whatsoever in the same Manner as if this Act
had never been made anything therein Contained to the Contrary
notwithstanding, Provided allways that the severall persons In-
tended to be Releived by this act shall be and are obliged to pay or
secure the payment of their Imprisonmt fees to the severall sherrs
in whose Custody they are by Servitude or otherwise without which
they are not to have any Benefitt or advantage by this act anything
therein Contained to the Contrary notwithstanding. And alsoe pro-
vided that the Comissioners of Ann Arundell County shall be and
are Impowred by Vertue of this Act in a Summary way to here and
Determine all Disputes and Controverseys Concerning all or any
part of the Estate of Robert Morris that shall appear to them to have
been Misaplyed and to Releive the Creditors according to the Rules
of Justice and Equity.
Acts of
Oct. 1723,
ch. 6
p. 587
[Other Acts
of this
Session are
printed in
Vols. 34 and
36 of the
An Act to Prevent the great Evils arising by the Importation of
Convicts into this Province and for the better Discovery of such
when Imported.
Whereas the great number of Convicts of late years Imported into
this Province have not Only Comitted severall murders Burglarys
and Other felonies but Debauched the minds and Principles of severall
of the Ignorant and formerly Innocent Inhabitants thereof so far as
to Induce them to Comitt Severall of the like Crimes The Perpetra-
tion whereof are now become so Comon and frequent that honest
People are very Insecure in their lives or Propertys And Whereas the
greatest Part of the Magistrates Time is taken up in the Tryall &
Prosecution of the said Convicts and their proselytes to the great
Delay of all Civil Business and the Insupportable Expence of the
Countrey which Evils are in a great measure Occasioned by the
Masters or Owners of such Convicts not takeing Care to keep them
wthin due bounds and restraining them from Injuring their neigh-
bours for Remedy whereof.
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietor by &
with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governeur and the