An Act for the Relief of Wm Griffin & Wm Jarvis Languishing pris-
oners in Calvert County and Robert Morris a Languishing
prisoner in Ann Arundell County.
Whereas Wm Griffin and Wm Jarvis of Calvert County, & Robt
Morris of Ann Arundell County have by their humble Petns to
this present Genll Assembly Severally set forth that they have
Continued prisoners for Debt in the Custody of the sherr: of
the severall Countys afd Viz. Wm Griffin & Wm Jarvis in the
Custody of the sherr: of Calvt County and Robt Morris in the
Custody of the Sherr. of Ann arundell County for a Considerable
time past and still Continue in the Like Deplorable Circumstances
not being able to Redeem their Bodys with all the Estate or Interest
they have in the World which they would Readily surrender up and
part wth to their Severall and Respective Creditors if they would
Accept of the Same and Grant the said Petitioners their Liberty wch
seems so unlikely for them to Obtain that unless Relieved by a per-
ticular Act to be past in their favour which by their said Petition
they have humbly prayd, they must Inevitably Continue prisoners for
Life and thereby their familys utterly Ruined and for that the truth
of the said Petitioners Allegations is made Appear to this Generall
Acts of
Nov. 1722,
ch. 22
p. 580