306 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.
Liber LL, 4
Assembly go to the Sherriff of the Severall Countys of Ann arun-
dell Queen Ann's and Talbot and give good Security to pay the
Imprisonmt fees at ten pounds of Tobacco p Day that shall or may
become due from the said Robert Tivis, Andrew Castle, and Gilbert
Powlson, George Sexton & John Robinson after the end of the said
three Months and allso to find the said Robert Tivis, Andrew Castle
and Gilbert Powlson George Sexton and John Robinson sufficient
Meat Drink and Cloathing during their future imprisonment. In
case they the said Robert Tivis, Andrew Castlo and Gilbert Powlson
George Sexton and John Robinson shall deliver up and Surrender or
Cause to be delivered up and Surrendered to the Sherriffs of Ann-
arundell Queen Ann's and Talbot County's aforesaid in the presence
of two Justices of the Peace in each of the said Counties whom the
said Sherriffs are hereby required to summon on the request of the
said Robert Tivis, Andrew Castle, and Gilbert Powlson, George Sex-
ton & John Robinson at the dwelling plantations or places of abode of
the said Robert Tivis, Andrew Castle and Gilbert Powlson, George
Sexton, and John Robinson, at some convenient time betwixt the
tenth Day of March and the tenth Day of June next all their Reall
and personall Estate either in possession Reversion remainder or in
trust or in or unto which they have or any or either of them hath any
claim or Interest whatsoever & do likewise betwixt the Days afore-
mentioned convey Assign transferr and make over unto the said
Sherriff of Ann arundell Queen Ann's and Talbot County for the
use of their said Creditors all such their Estate Interest or Claim as
aforesaid after such manner as by the said Sherriffs and the Major
p. 546
parts of the said Creditors or of such of them as shall think fit to
direct therein or their Councill Eearned in the Law shall reasonably
devise or require at the Cost and Charges of such persons as shall
claim the benefitt thereof so as the said Robert Tivis, Andrew Castlo,
and Gilbert Powlson, George Sexton and John Robinson be not
burthened with any Warrantys thereby other than from themselves
those that claim by from or under them and that the said Robert
Tivis, Andrew Castle, and Gilbert Powlson, George Sexton and
John Robinson, and every one of them at the time of such their sur-
render and transferring their Estate as aforesaid shall take his or
their Solemn Oath or Oaths or Test before the said two Justices of
the Severall and respective Countys aforesaid so to be summoned
as aforesd to the effect following (Viz) I A B do solemnly swear
that the Goods Debts and effects which I have delivered assigned and
made over to the Sherriff of County and in trust for the use
of my Creditors is the whole Estate both real and personall of my
own in possession or have any title to in the World and that I have
not any Estate Goods or Effects of any kind whatsoever left either
in Possession Reversion or remainder (the Necessary wearing Ap-