300 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.
Liber LL, 4
barred and Excluded of all Right Claim and Interest of in or to the
said three hundred Acres of Land and premisses as fully and
Effectually to all Intents and purposes whatsoever as if the said
Act formerly passt in favour of the said Robert Roberts had never
been made or past any Law Statute Use or Custom to the Contrary
And be it further Enacted that the said Act of Assembly entituled
an Act empowering Robert Roberts of Queen Ann's County to sell
part of a tract of Land lying in Cecill County called New Munster
late the Land of John Toas for the uses therein mentioned and to
make Good and Valid such Sale made at a Session of Assembly
begun and held at the City of Annapolis the twenty third Day of
October One thousand seven hundred and Eleven, as to the said
Richard Thatcher, Peter Massey and Sarah his wife, their Right
in the said fifteen hundred Acres of Land, be and is hereby utterly
repealed and made Void.
Acts of
Feb. 1721/2,
ch. 17
I721, ch. 8)
An Explanatory Act of some Doubtfull Expressions and repealing
some Clauses in and of an Act of Assembly intituled, An Act for
preventing the making of trashy Tobacco and for the bettering the
Staple of this Province and for supplying some Defects therein.
Whereas divers scruples have been made by a Considerable number
of the Inhabitants of this Province concerning the Right under-
standing and true intent and Meaning of some Clauses of an Act
of Assembly made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
City of Annapolis in Ann arundell County the Eighteenth Day of
July last intituled An Act for preventing the making trashy Tobacco
and bettering the Staple of this Province It is humbly prayed that it
may be Enacted,
p. 540
And be it Enacted by the Right Hon'ble the Lord Proprietary
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordps Governeur and the
upper and Lower Houses of this present Generall Assembly and the
Authority of the same, And it is hereby declared, that the words in
the second Paragraph of the aforementioned Act (Viz) (that no
Tobacco after the tenth Day of October next shall be packed in Cask
or otherwise in order to be shipt off and Exported out of this Prov-
ince by any person or persons whatsoever or paid or tendered to be
paid either in Cask or otherwise to Merchants Traders or Adven-
turers or others or shall be stem'd in order to be shipped or otherwise
disposed off by or to any person or persons whatsoever other than
what is in good Condition and of a Clear and Clean Leaf free from
Ground Leaves, frost bitten Leaves, trashy Leaves, suckers or other-
wise damnified Leaves whatsoever) Were only intended to prevent,
the packing up, either for paying away Shipping or otherwise dis-
posing of any Tobacco, other than what was clean Tobacco in good
Condition free from all Manner of trash and frost bitten Tobacco