endure for three years certen, which is now near expired. Wee the
Burgesses and Delegates of this present Generall Assembly having
duly considered thereof and haveing a gratefull Sence and hopefull
Expectation of his present Exncy Francis Nicholson Esqr his noble
and generous just and Equitable Treatment to and with their Matys
good Subjects of this Province during his Governmt thereof do pray
that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by their most sacred
Matys by and with the Advice and Consent of this present Genrall
Assembly & the authority of the same that the said Duty or Impost
of three pence p hogshead menconed and imposed in the said first
recited Act shall be raised levyed and paid to his present Exncy Francis
Nicholson Esqr Governr of this Province in such manner and forme as
by the said first recited Act is directed and appointed for and during
three yeares or to the end of the next Generall Assembly which shall
first happen.
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731.
An Act for the appointing of Rangers for the defence of this Province.
It being thought absolutely necessary by the Burgesses and dele-
gates of this present Genrall Assembly that Rangers should be ap-
pointed for the better defence and security of this Province who should
yearly range from the Falls of Potomack unto the first draughts
of Susquahanah River above the north side of Deer Creek Be it
Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellt Matys by and with
the Advice and Consent of this present Genrall Assembly and the
Authority of the same that it shall and may be lawfull for the Governr
of this Province for the tyme being to order and send forth fourteen
persons willing to serve or otherwise such and so many to Cofhand
out of the Severall and respective Countyes within this Province to
be divided into two distinct partyes to witt six persons and a
Comandr in each party who shall from the Tenth day of Aprill next
keep out and Range from the Falls of Potomack unto the first
draughts of Susquahannah River aforesaid above the north side of
Deer Creek aforesaid untill the fifteenth day of October next and so
every yeare successively their severall posts and Stations to be
nominated and appointed as his Exncy the Governr of this Province
for the tyme being shall think fitt, in Consideracon of which Services
such persons so rangeing as aforesaid shall have and receive the
severall and respective Sallaryes following, that is to say each person
comanding as aforesaid shall be paid and allowed the sume of Eight
hundred pounds of Tobaccoe p month for every month he shall be
in service, and each private Centinell the Sume of six hundred pounds
of Tobaccoe p month for every month he shall be in service as afore-
said the said severall and respective sallaryes to be levyed by the
Governr & his Councell on the Inhabitants of this Province by way of
equall assessment any act or custome to the contrary notwithstanding
Provided alwayes and it is the true Intent and meaning hereof that
this Act nor any thing therein contained shall be construed or taken
Acts of 1694,
Ch. 14
1695, ch. 23)