Evills as well as in order to encourage the Sowing and propagating
the Hemp and flax trade it is prayed it may be Enacted.
And Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governeur
and the upper and lower Houses of this present Generall Assembly
and the Authority of the same that no Tobacco after the tenth Day
of October next shall be pack't up in Cask or otherwise in order to
be shipt off and Exported out of this Province by any person or
persons whatsoever or paid or tendred to be paid either in Cask or
otherwise to Merchants Traders or Adventurers or others or shall
be stemmed in order to be Shipped or otherwise disposed of by or
to any person or persons whatsoever other than what is in good
Condition and of a Clear and clean leaf free from ground Leaves
frost bitten Leaves trashy leaves suckers or otherwise damnify'd
leaves whatsoever which shall exceed the Quantity of five pounds of
Tobacco in any one Hogshead, Chest, case, tub, or other Package
whatsoever under the Penalty of the sum of one thousand pounds of
Tobacco for every Hogshead of Tobacco, Tub or other Package not
qualified as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority Advice and consent
aforesaid that no Master Mistress dame or Overseer or other person
whatsoever after the last Day of June in any Year shall wittingly or
willingly suffer or cause to be suffered any Tobacco to be planted
upon any Lands or Plantations within this Province under their
care or in their possession under the Penalty of two thousand pounds
of Tobacco for each and every respective Taxable that at the time of
such planting as aforesaid shall properly belong to and Actually reside
in or upon the plantation where such Tobacco shall be so planted.
And for the encouragement of making Hemp and flax in this Prov-
ince according to the scheme transmitted hither by his Lordship the
Lord Proprietary in pursuance of his Majesties Royall Instructions.
Be it Enacted By the Authority Advice and consent afd that any
person or persons residing and inhabiting in this Province being
indebted in Tobacco to any Merchant or other person trading and
commercing in or to this Province may at his Choice and Election
after the tenth Day of October next pay and discharge such his
Tobacco Debt or Debts in good sound Merchantable matter rotted
Swingled and well drest Flax or Hemp to be paid and delivered
to such Creditor his factor or Agent in some one convenient place
in the County where such Debtor dwells at the Rates following (that
is to Say) the hemp aforesaid at the rate of six pounds of Tobacco p
pound and the Flax aforesaid at the Rate of nine pounds of Tobacco
per pound.
Provided that this Law nor any clause therein contained shall any
wise affect the Publick or County Levey and the forty per pole due to
the Clergy of this Province but that the leveys Publick and County
Lib. LL, 4