Liber LL, 4
Possession Reversion Remainder (the necessary wareing Apparell
for my Self wife and Children Excepted) and that I have not directly
or Indirectly sold leased or otherwise Conveyed disposed of or In-
trusted all or any part of my Estate thereby to secure the same to
receive or Expect Profitt or advantage thereof So help me God It
shall and may be lawfull for the sherr. of Prince Georges County and
the said Sherr. is hereby required (upon his said Mareens Comply-
ing with what is Required of him by this Act) to Discharge the
said Mareen Duvall out of his Custody and to Suffer him to go at
Large. And Be it Further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by
and with the advice and Consent aforesaid that upon the said Mareen
his Complyance as aforesaid he the said Mareen his heirs Executors
and Administrators shall be by Vertue of this Act Acquitted Exoner-
ated and Discharged of and from all manner of Debts Duties Claims
and Demands whatsoever that have been contracted by him or have
arose Due or become demandable from him at any time before the
Sitting of this present Session of Assembly and that in Case the said
Mareen after such his Complyance and Discharge as aforesaid shall
again be Arrested or sued for any such Debts or Dutys as aforesaid
or that the said Sherriff shall be sued for any matter or Thing
required of him to be done by this Act that then the said Mareen or
the said sherr may Enter a Common appearance without Speciall
Bayle to any such Action as shall be brought against them or any of
them and plead thereto the Generall Issue and give this Act or the
Exemplificacon thereof with the speciall Matter thereon ariseing in
Evidence and that in Case the Plft shall be nonsuit in such Action
the Defendant shall recover against him double Costs of Suit any
Law Statute useage or Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority advice and Consent
aforesd that the sherr. of the same County shall after such Surrender
and Oath taken as aforesaid give Publick notice at the Churches
Court house and Mills in the said County of some precise time by the
said Sherr. and the said two Justices to be appointed for the Sale of
the said Mareens Effects and Estate as aforesaid, not less than
twenty Days after the makeing the said Surrender, and the said
Mareen Duvall shall at the time to be prefixed as aforesaid then and
there make over unto such Purchaser or Purchasers as will give
most for all or any part of the said Mareen's Effects or Estate as
aforesaid by such proper Instrument in writeing as such Purchaser
or Purchasers shall think fitt in the manner aforementioned all such
Estate Interest or Claime which he hath or had of in or to such
Bargained premisses before the makeing of this Act and that the
purchase Money ariseing Due from such purchaser or purchasers
shall be Lodged in the manner and applyed to the use aforemen-
tioned, and that the proceeding of such Justices and Sheriff in that