274 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.
Liber LL, 4
tions and Penalties upon their non-attendance, and have Like fees
and allowances with those who attend the Land Commissioners on
the first view, and to ascertain in what time appeales shall be made,
Be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid by and with the advice and
Consent aforesaid that any Complainant or Complainants Defendant
p. 495
or Defendants that are allowed an appeale by this Act shall Enter
their appeale within one hundred and Fifty Days after the End of
this Present Sessions of Assembly or within one hundred and Fifty
Days after such Judgmt order or Decree hereafter to be made or
Given. And be Further Enacted by the authority afd by and with
the advice and Consent afd that the said Commissioners of Review
or any Two of them after application to them made by any Com-
plainant or Complainants Defendant or Defendants as afd shall
appoint a Certain time not Exceeding Sixty Days after such appli-
cation to go upon the Land or Lands in Dispute and haveing given
Due notice thereof to the Contending Parties to appear and make
good their Severall allegations shall then and there proceed with all
Convenient Speed to Review the Bounds of the Lands so ascertained
and upon Mature Consideration of the Allegations of the Parties
Examination of Evidences and Runing the Lines of the said Lands or
any other adjacent Lands for their Better Information Reverse or
Confirm the Judgment order and Decree of the Land Commissioners
aforesaid and Give such Judgment therein as the Case shall Require.
And be it Further Enacted by the authority afd by and with the
advice and Consent that It shall and May be Lawfull for the Commrs
of Review upon Confirming any Judgment of the Land Commis-
sioners to assess the Costs and award Execution for the same
against the appealant but upon a Reversall of such Judgment as
aforesaid that It shall and may be Lawfull for the said Commis-
sioners of Review to mark or Cause to be markt such other boun-
daries to the Land or Lands in Dispute as to them shall seem meet
and Cause Three fair Platts and Certificates thereof to be made by
the Surveyor, one for Each of the Contending Parties and the other
to be Entred in a Sufficient Book to be procured at the Charge of the
Respective Countys for that Purpose and Lodged among the Records
Thereof, and to assess not only all such Costs and Damages as may
have accrued upon the Review but also all Cost and Damages which
the appealant Expended or Suffered by the Judgment order or
Decree of the Land Commissioners as aforesaid and order Execu-
tion thereon against the Defendant.
And be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid by and with the Ad-
vice and Consent aforesaid that upon any such Reversall and ascer-
taining the Bounds of any Land as aforesaid it shall and may be
Lawfull for the Commissioners of Review to put the appellant or
appellants into Quiet Possession of the Lands and Tenements Con-
tained within the said Bounds with a Saveing to all psons who may