262 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.
Liber LL, 4
ing by Estimation, four hundred and Twenty Eight Acres in all wth
a Speciall Warranty And Whereas the said Thomas Holdsworth
afterwards Died Intestate, without ever Executing any Conveyance
p. 478
of the premisses to the said Gover according to the Tenor of the said
Bond, Leaving Severall Young Children none of Sufficient age to
invest the said Gover with any Certain Estate in the said Land And
that it is represented to this Assembly that the said Gover for want
of a Conveyance thereof is deterred from making any Improvement
thereon receiving any Benefitt by his purchase for a Considerable
Number of Years unless releived by the Legislature.
Be it Therefore Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Propry by
and with the advice & Consent of his Lordps Govr & the upper and
Lower houses of Assembly & by the Authority of the Same, that the
said Ephraim Gover his heirs and Assigns forever shall and may
by Virtue of this Act have hold and peaceably possess & Enjoy the
said Land, with all the Improvements, Appurtenances, & profitts &
Advantages thereunto belonging absolutely & Clearly Accquitted
released & discharged, from all the Right Title, Estate claim of
Dower or otherwise of him the said Thomas Holdsworth his heires
Exrs and Admrs and all other persons whatsoever Claiming from by
or under him or them, in as full and ample manner to all intents &
purposes, as if the same had been actually transferr'd by the same
Thomas in his life by deed or deeds indented acknowledged &
recorded as if the Wife of him the said Thomas had released her
Right of Dower According to Law, Any Law Usuage Custom, or
want of such Deed and release to the Contrary Notwithstanding,
Saving to the said Lord Propry his heirs & Successors and all bodies
politick & Corporate & all others not mentioned in this Act their Sev-
erall & respective Rights.
Acts of
April, 1720,
ch. 4
An Act for the Vesting in the Rector and Vestry of William and
Mary Parish in Saint Maries County and their Successors, an
Estate in fee simple in the old Stadt house in St Maries City in
Saint Maries County and the Lott of Land whereon the same
stands for the use of the said Parish forever.
Whereas the old Stadt House in the City of St Maries Since the
Removal of the Seat of Government from thence to Annapolis is
wholly rendred useless to the province and for want of repairs in
Time is almost gone to ruin, and forasmuch as the Vestrymen of
William and Mary Parish in Saint Maries County, have petitioned
this present Generall Assembly, that they would be pleased to bestow
the same on the said Parish, for the making a Chappell of Ease
thereof (the Same being Convenient for the said Parish) and that
the same may be Confirmed to them and their Successors for the time
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being, together with the Publick Ground, whereon the same Stands,
to the use of the said Parish forever by an Act to be passt in their