Acts. 259
Vendors with the same and where as the Commencemt of any Action
or Actions at Laws or in Equity by the same Thomas Hicks and the
same John Davis after the passing Such Act will not only put them
to Very Great Expence and trouble but allso be prejudiciall to the
Heir or Heirs Devisee or Devisees of the said Thomas Smithson of
Dorchester County & the said Thos Smithson of Talbott County by
encreasing Charges Looseing Time and Continuing it doubtfull &
precarious how much of the said Estates may be and Remain beyond
what may be Sufficient to Satisfie the said Thos Hicks and John
Davis their said Losses Damages Costs and Charges & that the most
expiditious Method to prevent the said Inconveniences will be ap-
point Trustees or Comissioners not only to ascertain what Damages
the said Thomas Hicks & the said John Davis have Sustain'd by
means or occasion of the prmisses but allso to expose to Sale the Good
and Chattells remaining unadministred as they can discover and get,
and to the best advantage dispose of so much of the Lands & Tene-
ments of the said Thomas Smithson of Dorchester County and the
said Thomas Smithson of Talbott County as shall be Sufficient to
reimburse the said Thos Hicks & the said John Davis all their Losses
Damages Costs & Charges Occasioned by the Loss of the said
Liber LL, 4
Be it Enacted by the right Honble the Lord Propry by and with the
Advice and Consent of his Lordps Governr & the upper and Lower
houses of Assembly and the Authority of the Same that the Goods
and Chattells wch were of the said Thos Smithson of Dorchester
County and the said Thomas Smithson of Talbott County that remain
unadministred and can be discovered and had shall be & are by
Virtue of this Act liable Subject & Chargeable with all & Singular
the Damages, Costs, Charges & Expences that the said Thomas Hicks
& John Davis or either of them have Sustained been att or shall be at
Touching or Concerning the pmisses.
And be it Further Enacted by the Authority Advice & Consent
aforesd that Coll Richard Tilghman of Queen Ann's County Mr
Foster Turbutt and Mr Thomas Robins of Talbott County or any
two of them shall be and are hereby appointed Comissioners or
Trustees as well to settle and Assess the Losses, Damages, Costs &
Expences aforesd as to Sell & dispose of to the best bidder so much
of the said Lands & Tenements as shall be necessary beyond what
shall be discovered and had of the said Goods and Chattells to make
the said Thomas Hicks & John Davis full Satisfaction & Compensa-
tion for their sd Damages, Losses, Costs Expences, & Charges and
to make and duly Execute any deed or deeds Conveyance or Convey-
ances for the Confirmation of such Sale.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority Advice & Consent
aforesd that the Heir or Heirs, Devisee or Devisees of the said
Thomas Smithson of Dorchester County and the said Thomas Smith-