Liber LL, 4
sand one hundred & thirty one pounds of tobacco Costs of suit on
which Execution he has remained in Custody for above these Eight
months past and is like to Continue so Dureing life unless Relieved.
That he is aged, hath a wife and Severall Small Children who have
nothing to support them but the said Batemans Labour and must
in a short time Either become a burthen to the County or Starve for
want of food, That he is willing to do all that in him lies towards
the Complying wth the Judgmt aforesaid but that all that he has in
the world will not amount to near tht sume And that the said Flinn
Vigorously insists on keeping him in Goal till he has paid the utmost
farthing. It is therefore humbly praid that it may be Enacted and
be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and wth the advice and
Consent aforesaid that the said Chrisf Bateman upon his Surren-
dering all his Estate upon Oath as afd On the Condicons and under
the Penalties aforesaid Enjoyned the same Samuel Lyle to any two
of the Justices and to the Sherriff of Kent County for the use of the
said Laughlin Flinn Save that the Sherriff have a proportionable
part of such Estate so to be Surrendered up towards discharge of his
fees due to him on Account of the Imprisonment of the said Bate-
man at the suit of the said Laughlin Flinn it shall be lawfull for the
said sherriff and he is hereby required to Discharge the said Bate-
man of his Custody, and the said Laughlin, as also the said sherr. is
hereby debarred from any further Execution against him the said
Bateman in relation to the said Judgment and whereas Robert Gray
of Kent County Planter has likewise Petitioned this Present Gen-
erall Assembly setting forth that he is a prisoner in Custody of the
Sherriff of the same County at the suite of John Johnson of the same
County Gent, for a Considerable sume of Tobacco and has Con-
tinued there for the space of three months and is in no hopes of Ever
Getting out all that he has in the world not being Sufficient to pay
and satisfie the said Debt and Charges and where as John Budd of
the Same County by his humble Petition to this present Generall
Assembly has set forth that he is likewise a Prisoner in Custody of
the same Sherriff for debt and in no likelyhood of Getting there Out
all that he has in the world not being Sufficient to pay and Satisfie
the said Debt & Charges. Wherefore they humbly pray'd relief by
An Act to be past in their favour for that End And for that the truth
of the Allegacons of the said Robert Gray and John Budd are made
Appeare to this Generall Assembly by Sufficient Testimony And
therefore for that the said Robert Gray and John Budd and their