An Act to Supply Certain Defects in the Conveying of Lands from
Henry Roberts to John Ford.
Whereas Henry Roberts late of Ann Arundell County in the
Provinces of Maryland Planter by his Deed of Bargain and Sale
bearing date the thirteenth Day of December Anno Domini Seven-
teen hundred and Seven for the Consideration of One hundd pounds
Sterling Granted and Sold unto John Ford of the same County ar
Province Planter and to his heirs and Assignes for Ever all that
parcell of Land Being part of a Tract of Land Called Ropers range,
Begining at a new Planted Pear tree Standing in the South line
of the said Land as also in the line of a Tract of Land Called Ropers
Gray and runing from the said Pear tree by a line drawn South
fifty Perches to a bounded Redd Oake thence west South west thirty
perches to another bounded redd Oake thence South East and by
East two hundred and twenty perches to a stake Standing in the line
of a tract of Land Called Arnold Gray thence with Arnold Gray
north East Seventy five perches thence by streight line to the first
Tree Containeing and laid out for One hundred Acres of Land more
or less as by the deed thereof duly Executed and Acknowledged
ref errence thereto being had may more fully Appear. But forasmuch
as the said John Ford omitted to get his afore menconed deed from
Hpnry Roberts recorded in time according to the directions of An
Act of Assembly of this province for Quieting possessions Enrolling
Conveyances and Secureing purchasers Estates through wch neglect
the said Jno Ford was Advised that his Title to the said Land was
precarious To Remedy wth the said John Ford hath Petitioned this
Present Generall Assembly for Releive in this behalf and for that the
truth of the pmisses is sufficiently made Appear and that the Con-
sideration of the said sale hath been duely paid and that the peti-
tioners Case most Properly requires an Equitable Relief by An Act
to be past in his favour, it is therefore humbly prayd it may be
And be it Enacted by his Lordship the Right Honble the Lord
Propry by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Gov-
erneur and the upper and lower houses of Assembly and the Author-
ity of the same, That the said deed may be recorded and Confirmed
and held to be as Effectuall in Law to all Intents Constructions And
purposes whatsever as if the same had been duly recorded to the
directions of the afd Act for Quieting Possessions Enrolling Con-
veyances and Secureing Purchasers Estates unless Sufficient Cause
shewn to the Contrary the next Session of Assembly anything in the
same Act or any Other Law Statute usage or Custom to the Contrary
notwithstanding Provided the same Deed Be recorded and the
Alienation Money Duely paid wthin Six Months from the End of
this Session of Assembly Saveing to the said Lord Proprietor his
heirs and Successors and all bodyes Politick and Corporate & all
Others not mentioned in this Act their Severall and respective Rights.
Liber LL, 4
Acts of
May, 1719,
ch. 8
p. 480