Acts of 1718,
ch. 3
p. 386
[Other Acts
passed at
this Session
are printed
in Vols. 33
and 36 of the
An Act for Qualifying John Steel of the Citty of Annapolis Esqr
to hold Offices within this Province.
Whereas John Steel of the City of Annapolis Esqr hath Served
his Most Sacred Majesty and the Crown of Great Brittain for Sev-
erall Years in the Revenue and hath been recommended to his Excel-
lency John Hart Esqr our Present Governour by Gentn of worth and
Honour who by their Stations under his most Sacred Majesty are in
a Capacity of doing particular Services to this province upon any
emergency, and fur that the said John Steel Esqr hath petitioned this
Present Generall Assembly, that for as much as by the Act of As-
sembly of this province for Advancement of the Natives and Resi-
dents of this Province he is not Capable of any office or place of
trust therein not haveing been three years in this Province he may
have leave to bring in a bill to qualifye him in this part and for as
much as the sd John Steel Esqr is known to be a person of worth it
is humbly prayed that it may be Enacted And
Be it Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and the
Uper and Lower houses of Assembly and the Authority of the same,
That the said John Steel Esqr be and is hereby made as Capable of
Executing holding or Enjoying any Office or place of Trust within
this province to all intents and purposes as if he had been an
Actuall resident within this province for above the term of three
Years last past Any Act of Assembly heretofore made to the Contrary
Acts of 1718,
ch. 6
p. 388
An Act Impowering a Committee to Lay assess and Apportion the
Publick Levy for this Present Year One thousand Seven hundred
and Eighteen
Whereas this Present Genll Assembly have for the Defraying the
Publick Charge of this province to the Eight day of May Instant
raised a Certain Sum of Tobacco and mony amounting to the Sum
of Two hundred and fourteen thousand Six hundred and Seventy
Six pounds of Tobacco and Eighty pounds and Two Pence Currt
mony But by Reason more Publick Charges may arise and Grow
due before the Usuall and Accustomed time of payment which is