Liber LL, 4
shall againe be arrested or sued for any such debts or dutys as afd or
that the said Sherr. shall be sued for any matter or thing required
of him to be done by this Act that then the said George or the said
Sherr may Enter a Comon Appearance without Speciall bayle to any
such accon as shall be brought against them or any of them and
plead thereto the Generall Issue and give this act or the Exemplifica-
tion thereof with the Speciall matter thereon ariseing in Evidence,
and that in Case the Plft shall be Nonsuit in such accon the deft
shall recover against him double Costs of Suite any Law Statute Use-
age or Custome to the Contrary Notwithstanding. And be it further
Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent afd that the Sher-
riffe of the same County shall after such Surrendry and Delivering
up as afd Give publick Notice at the Churches Court house & Mills
in the said County of some precise time by the said Sherriff and the
said two Justices to be appointed for the distribution of the said
George his Effects and Estate not Less than Twenty days after the
makeing the said Surrender and shall then and there in the presence
of two such Justices as afd and by their Advice and Direction make
Distribution of the said George his Estate so as afd to be Surrendred
delivered up or Transferred among such of the said George his
Creditors only as shall then by themselves or their Lawfull attry or
Attrys think fitt to be present at such Distribution by an Equall and
proportionable Distribution thereof to Every such Creditor with
respect had and in proportion to the Largeness of his her or their
debt the proceeding of such Justices and Sherriffes in that behalfe
to be Certified to the same Charles County Court and there Lodged
for the perusall of all or any of the said George his Creditors that
shall require the same without any fee for the same or for the
Lodging thereof Saveing the right of the Lord proprietor his heirs,
and Successors and of all bodies Politick or Corporate Provided
Nevertheless that in Case the said George shall at any time after
the makeing such his Oath or takeing such Test afd be Convict of
Willfull or Corrupt Perjury or of a Willfull Breach or non Comply-
ance with the Term of such Test that then the said George upon
conviction shall be Adjudged to Stand two hours in the Pillory and
have his Left Ear Cut off and shall be wholly deprived of any the
Acts of 1717,
ch. 5
p. 359
An Act Impowering a Comitte to Lay Assess & apportion the Pub-
lick Levy for this present Year Seventeen hundred and Seven-
Whereas this present Generall Assembly have for the Defraying
the Publick Charge of this province to the Eighth day of June Instant