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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 217   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 217

goods or Effects of any kind whatsoever left Either in possession
reversion or remainder the Necessary wearing apparell for my selfe
Wife and Children Excepted and that I have not directly nor In-
directly sold leased or Otherwise Conveyed disposed of or Intrusted
all or any parte of my Estate thereby to secure the same to receive or
Expect any proffitt or Advantage thereof So help me God.
It shall and may be Lawfull for the Sherriffe of Calvert County
after the End of the said three months, And the said sherr. is hereby
required to Discharge the said Peter Sawell out of Custody and to
Suffer him to goe at Large. And be it further Enacted by the
authority aforesaid by and with the Advice and Consent afd that
upon the said Peter Sawells Complying with what is required of him
by this Act that he the said Peter Sawell his heirs Executors or Ad-
ministrators shall be by Vertue of this Act Acquitted Exonerated
released and Discharged of and from all manner of Debts duties
Claims and Demands Whatsoever that have been Contracted by him
or have Arose due or become demandable from him at any time
before the Sitting of this Generall Assembly and that in Case the

Liber LL, 4

said Peter shall after such his Complyance and Discharge as afore-
said be Again Arrested and sued for any such debts or duties as afd
or that the said Sherriffe shall be sued for any Matter or thing
required of him to be done by this Act that then the said Peter
Sawell or the said sherriffe may Enter a Comon appeareance without
Speciall bayle to any such accon as shall be so brought against them
or Either of them and plead thereto the Generall Issue and give this
Act or the Exemplification thereof with the Speciall Matter thereon
ariseing in Evidence and that in Case the plaintiffe shall be Nonsuit
in such accon the Defendant shall recover against him Double Costs
of Suite any Law Statute useage or Custome to the Contrary Not-
withstanding. And be it further Enacted by the Same Authority
advice and Consent aforesaid that the Sherriffe of the same County
of Calvert afd shall after such Surrender and Delivering up as afore-
said give Publick Notice at the Churches Court house and Mills in
the said County of some precise Time by him the said Sherriffe and
the said two Justices to be appointed for the Distribution of the said
Peters Effects and Estate not Less than Twenty days after the time
of the makeing the said Surrender and shall then and there in the
presence of two such Justices as aforesaid and by their Advice and
directions make distribution of the said Peters Estate so as aforesaid
to be surrendered delivered up or Transferred amongst such of the
said Peters Creditors only as shall then by themselves or their Law-
full attorney or Attrys think fitt to be present at such distribution
by an Equall and proportionable distribution thereof to Every such
Creditor with respect had and in proportion to the Largeness of
his or her debt, The proceedings of the said Justices & Sherriffe in
that behalfe to be Certified to the said Calvert County Court and

p. 328

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 217   View pdf image (33K)
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