Acts of
April, 1715,
ch. 13
p. 134
An Act Impowering a Committee to Lay assess and apportion the
publick Levy for this present Year Seventeen hundred and
Whereas this present Generall Assembly have for the defraying
the publick Charges of this province to the twenty Eight day of May
one thousand seven hundred and fifteen raised a Certaine Sume of
Tobacco and money amounting to the sume of three hundred Sixty
Eight thousand two hundred and Sixty pounds of Tobacco and one
hundred ninety Six pounds Nine shillings and four pence half penny
Currant money but by reason more Publick Charges may arise and
grow due before the usuall and accustomed time of payment which
is the tenth day of October Yearly at which Time again to Call and
Convene the whole Assembly for that occasion only Considering the
great number of them and the remoteness of their habitations from
the place appointed would be very Chargeable and Troublesome to the
whole province in Generall for prevention whereof Be it Enacted
by the kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and Con-
sent of his Majesty's Governour Councill and Assembly of this
pvince and the Authority of the same that Colonel Edward Lloyd
Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Young Colonel Thomas Addison and
Philemon Lloyd Esqr of the honourable Councill and Robert Ungle
Esquire Capt Thomas Truman Greenfield Captain James Harris
Captain Daniell Mariartee Captain Thomas Dent Master Thomas