Acts of
Oct. 1713,
ch. 17
An Act reviving an Act of Assembly of this province Entituled an
Act prohibiting the importation of bread beer flower malt wheat
or other English or Indian grain or meale Horses mares Colts or
fillys from pensilvania and the Territories thereto belonging
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majesty by and with
the advice and Consent of her Majesties President Councill and As-
sembly of this province and the authority of the same that the above
mentioned Act Entituled an Act prohibiting the importation of bread
beer flower Mault wheat or other English or Indian grain or meale
horses Mares Colts or fillys from pensilvania and the territories
thereto belonging made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at
the City of Annapolis the twenty Sixth day of Aprill Anno Domini
Seventeen hundred and four be and is hereby revived and Continued
in full force and strength.
Provided that the said Act or any thing therein Contained shall not
Extend or be Construed to Extend to any horse or horses brought
into this province by Travellers for their own use only and not In-
tended for Sale nor to any person or persons that shall Remove
themselves into this province with their families in order to settle
here nor to the Commanders of any of her Majestys Shipps of warr
in purchaseing and Importing Bread beer flower or any manner of
English and Indian graine towards the Supplying their said Vessells
and not otherwise any thing in the aforesaid Act to the Contrary
Acts of
April, 1715,
ch. 2
p. 119
[Other Acts
passed at
this Session
are printed
in Vols. 30
and 36 of the
An Act for Naturalization of Thomas Harvey of Calvert County
and his Children
Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the
advice and Consent of his Majestys Governour Councill and Assem-
bly of this province and the Authority of the same that Thomas
Harvey of Calvert County Frenchman and his Children be, and in all
things Adjudged taken reputed had held and Governed as his Majes-
tys Naturall Borne Subjects of this province and that they and
Every of them by the authority afd be Enabled and Adjudged to all
Intents and purposes to Demand & Challenge have Hold and Enjoy