Acts of
Oct. 1713,
ch. 15
p. 99
An Act for the relief of John Coale of Charles County Carpenter.
Whereas Phillip Lynes Esqr by his deed of bargaine and Sale duly
Executed bearing date the twentyeth day of August in the year of our
Lord Seventeen hundred and five for the Considerations in the same
deed Expressed & Contained Bargain'd and Sold unto one Michael
Rochford late of Saint Maries County Cooper that parcell or tract
of Land Lying in Charles County called thamesstreet Begining at
a bounded white oak the North west and by north bound tree of John
Robinsons Land called Wassell and running thence North west and
by north twenty six perches to a bounded Spanish oak thence south
west & by west two hundred and ten perches to a bounded oak thence
south East and by South Seventy six perches to a bounded oak north
East and by East bounding upon the said Robinsons Land to the first
bounded tree Containing and Laid out for one hundred acres more or
Less And alsoe all that Tract or parcell of Land Called Tower Dock
Lying in the said county begining at a bounded Spanish oak the
bound tree of one George Lingham running from thence north west
and by north forty five perches to a bounded red oak thence East one