C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
the Publicacon hereof as aforesaid all persons not being Inhabitants
of this Province exporting out of the same any Beef Porke or Bacon
shall pay unto their sacred Matys their heirs and Successors for the
use in this Act before mentioned the severall Imposts following (that
is to say) for dryed Beef and Bacon twelve pence the one hundred
weight and so proportionably in greater or lesser Quantityes and for
Beef and Porke undryed twelve pence the Barrill, each Barrill to
conteyne two hundred weight, and that no undryed Beef and Porke
be exported out of this Province, but in Casques as aforesaid, which
said severall Imposicons shall be collected and gathered by the
severall & respective Navall Officers who shall be accountable for
the same, and have full Authority to enter any Ship as aforesaid and
to make search for Prohibited Goods as aforesaid in such method and
manner as in this Act is before menconed and expressed And if any
person whatsoever being non Residents as aforesaid shall putt on
board any Shipp or Vessell any Beef Bacon or Porke for which he
she or they shall not have a Certificate as aforesaid or that shall Shipp
on board any Porke or Beef undryed not being in Casque as afore-
said such person or persons so offending shall forfeite and loose all
his her or their meat so shipped as aforesaid one halfe to their said
sacred Matys to the use aforesaid and the other halfe to the Informer
to be recovered as aforesaid, And every Master of any Shipp or
Vessell that shall wittingly or knowingly take on board his said
Shipp or Vessell any Beef Bacon or Porke contrary to the Intent &
meaning of this Act being thereof legally convict shall forfeite the
Sume of five Thousand pounds of Tobaccoe one halfe thereof to their
Matys their heires and Successors to the use aforesaid the other
halfe to the Informer or him or them that shall sue for the same to
be recovered as aforesaid. And for the better understanding what
persons shall be adjudged non Residents It is hereby Enacted by
the Authority aforesaid That all persons whatsoever trading to and
from this Province shall be adjudged deemed and taken as non
Residents not having a seated Plantacon of Fifty acres of Land at
the least whereon he or she with their Family (if any) have resided
for and during the space of one whole yeare And that within the
tyme and Terme of twelve months before any Benefytt claymed in
and by virtue of this Act, or that hath or shall hereafter have an
house in Towne as his her or their proper Freehold being Forty foot
in length and twenty foot in breadth with two Brick Chimneys to the
same wherein he she or they shall have resided during the space of
one whole yeare as aforesaid, and that no such person or persons
trading to and from this Province having houses in any Town or
Porte within the same, whereby he she or they may clayme any
Benefitt or Freedome in this Act given to the Inhabitants thereof shall
have hold or enjoy such Benefitt and Priviledge as aforesaid any
longer than he she or they or his her or their Family shall in such
Porte or Towne actually Inhabitt and reside. Provided alwayes