An Act against false packing of tobacco
Forasmuch as the false and fraudulent practices used in packing
tobacco in hoggsheads have not hitherto been Sufficiently provided
against, the Common law not being Severe Enough in the Punish-
ment thereof, and for that it is found by Experience of late that
such frauds and falsities are more frequently Committed than here-
tofore they have been and that it is high time they should be prevented
for the future by some Speedy remedy to be in that behalf Provided
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and with the
advice and Consent of her Majtys president Councill and Assembly of
this province and the authority of the same that if any person or per-
sons haveing the possession property rule directions Overseeing or
governance of any plantation or place where tobacco is or shall be
made shall use any fallacious fraudulent or deceitfull means or prac-
tices to Conceal or hide any frost bitten Trashy ground Leaves or small
dull Scrubbs or any Stalks Stems wood stones dirt or any other manner
of trash or old decayed tobacco in the inward parts of such hoggshead
when the generality of such tobacco as shall be packed in the outward
parts is good sound & merchantable or that it shall be deemed or ad-
judged by the Court or the Jury before whome Such matter shall be
tryed or Called in question that such packing falls within the ancient
Common received notion of what false packing has been hitherto
reputed to be and any such hoggshead or Cask of tobacco pay or offer
or tender to pay away on any account whatsoever that then the person
Acts of
Oct. 1713,
ch. 8
p. 88