Acts of 1712,
ch. 5
p. 37
An Act for Regulateing Writts of Error and Granting Appeals from
and to the Courts of Comon Law in this Province
Forasmuch As the Liberty of Appeales and Writts of Error from
the Judgmt of the Provinciall and County Courts of this Province
is found to be of great Use and Benifitt to the good of the people
Be it therefore Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by
and with the Advice and Consent of Her Majtys Presidt Councill and
Assembly of this Province and the Authority of the Same That no
Execucon upon any Judgmt Obtained either in the Provinciall or
County Courts or other Inferiour Courts of Record within this Prov-
ince shall be stayed or delayed or any Supersedeas upon such Judgmt
granted or Issued forth upon any Appeale or Writt of Error from
any such Court or Courts of Record As aforesaid to the Court
before whome such Appeale ought to be brought or before whom
such Writt of Error ought to be heard and determined unlesse
such person or persons in whose name such Appeale or Writt of Error
shall be made or brought As aforesaid or some other in his her or
their behalfe shall imediately upon makeing such Appeale or sueing
out such Writt of Error As aforesaid Enter into Bond with suffi-
cient Sureties such As the Justices of the Court by whome Judgmt
shall be given as afd or the Keeper of the Seale for the Time being
to whome Applicacon shall be made for such Writt of Error as
aforesaid shall approve of in double the Sume Recovered by such
Judgmt obtained As aforesaid with Condicon That if the party Ap-
pealant or party sueing out such Writt of Error As aforesaid shall
not pursue the direccons in this Act hereafter menconed at the next
Court Ensueing before whome such Appeale or Writt of Error ought
to be Tryed As aforesaid and prosecute the same with Effect, And
alsoe Satisfye and pay to the said party his Executors Adminrs or
Assignes In Case the said Judgmt shall be Affirmed As well All &
singular the debts damages and Costs Adjudged by the Court before
whom such Accon was first brought and from whose Judgmt such
Appeale shall be made or thereon a writt of Error brought As afore-
said As alsoe All Costs and damages That shall be Awarded by the
Court before whome such Appeale or Writt of Error shall be heard