146 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.
Liber LL, 4
appeare in propper person but by Attorney if he sees fitt, Any Thing
in the sd Act, Or any Law Statute Use or Custome to the Contrary
And be it further Enacted by and with the Authority Advice and
Consent aforesaid That from and after the End of this prsent Session
of Assembly It shall and may be lawfull To and for the Attorneys
practiceing in the County Courts of this province to have Take de-
mand and receive As a Fee for any Accons by them brought in such
Court where the debt or damage Exceeds Two Thousand pounds of
Tobacco, or Ten pounds in money the Sume of Two Hundred pounds
of Tobacco, to be recovered According to the direccons of the Act
for limitting Attorneys Fees, The same Act or any other Law to the
Contrary notwithstanding.
p. 32
Provided always that this Act or any Thing therein Contained
shall not Extend to the Benifitt or Advantage of any Persons that
shall Abscond or flye from Justice in the Countys where they live
but that such persons may be Arrested in any County wheresoever
they be to be found.
This Act to Endure till the End of the first Session of Assembly
that shall happen after the Arrivall of a Captain Generall or Govern-
eur in Chief into this Province
Acts of 1712,
ch. 2
An Act makeing Valid and Effectuall in Law a deed of Bargaine
and Sale made by Colonell Ninian Beale of Prince Georges
County to Michael Ashford late of the same County.
Whereas it appeares unto this Generall Assembly That Benjamin
Haddock Mariner being a Resident for some Time in this Province
and possessed of Five Hundred Acres of Land part of a greater
Tract called Haddocks Hills alias Seamans Delight and bound for
England by his Letter of Attorney duely by him Executed and
bearing date the fifth day of June Anno Domini Sixteen Hundred
Eighty six, did Impower and constitute Ninian Beale of Prince
Georges County to mannage all his the said Benjamins Estate in
the Province of Maryland, And whereas it likewise appeares That the
said Ninian Beale in pursuance of the said Letter of Attorney (think-
ing and takeing for Granted that thereby he had a power soe to doe)
by his deed of Bargaine and Sale Indented and duely Acknowledged
and Recorded in the Records of Prince Georges County and bearing
date the second day of August In the Yeare of our Lord God six-
teen Hundred ninety Eight did convey the said Five Hundred Acres
of Land to a Certain Michael Ashford of Prince Georges County
Carpenter his Heires and Assignes forever, for the Consideracon of
Twenty One Thousand pounds of Tobacco in the said deed menconed
to him really and bona fide then in hand paid, And whereas it likewise
appeares that the said Benjamin Haddock Came into the said prov-
ince in the Yeare of our Lord God Seventeen Hundred And did Call