Acts. 143
Strength, from, and after the End of this present Sessions of As-
sembly, for & untill the End of the first Session of Assembly, or
to the end of the Six months, which shall first happen, after the
Arrivall of the next Captain Generall or Governour in Chief of this
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all fees
that have accrued or become due to any Officer or Officers within
this province from the time of her Majtys disasent of the afd Act
Entituled an Act for Limitation of officers fees, shall be Rated, and
Charged, According to the Limitation & directions of the same Act,
and not otherwise, and shall, and may be Levyed and paid, according
to the form & Effect of the same Act, and in Case any Officer what-
soever shall Charge, Exact or Leavy, any more, or other fees, than
what are Limitted and appointed by the said act for any thing done
by them in their Severall Offices, after her Majtys disallowance
thereof untill the End of this Session of Assembly Every Officer
Offending therein, shall be Lyable to the Payns and Penalties in the
said act mentioned.
Liber LL, 4
An Act for the Naturalization of Peter Sanders of Talbot County
planter, and his Children Stephen Rashoon of the same County
planter, and his Children, and Wrm Cody of Charles County Taylor
and his Children.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and with
the advice and Consent of her Majtys President Council and As-
sembly of this province and the Authority of the same, that Peter
Sanders of Talbot County planter, Stephen Rashoon of the Same
County Planter, and Wm Cody of Charles County Taylor and all
and Every of them, and all their Children, already born and
hereafter to be born, within this Province shall for Ever here-
Acts of 1711,
ch. 20
after be adjudged deemed and taken, as true ffreeborn Subjects
of this province, and be and are hereby Enabled to purchase have,
hold and Enjoy, any reall Estates of Inheritance in this province,
And to hold & Maintaine any action or actions Reall and Personall
in any her Majtys Courts of Record, And to have hold and Enjoy,
all Priviledges and Freedoms whatsoever, as any naturall born
Subject of this province, any Law, Statute Useage or Custome to the
Contrary notwithstanding.
p. 27
An Act for Relieveing the Inhabitants of this Province from some
Aggrievances in the Prosecucon of Suites at Law
Whereas dureing this long and Tedious (though glorious and
successfull) Warr her Majestys good Subjects of this province have
greatly suffered and many of them have been utterly Ruined not
onely by Losses at Sea of their Tobaccoes which is their onely Staple
Manufacture being taken by the Enemy, but alsoe by the European
Acts o f 1712,
ch. 1
p. 29
[Other Acts
of this
Session are
printed in
Vol. 29
of the