Acts. 141
and Enjoy, to him and his heires for Ever, a Good, sure, and
absolute Estate of Inheritance, in fee simple, of, & in the afd Peice
or parcell of Land Called Wastwood, to him given, and bequeathed,
by the said John Edwards, in and by the said will, any mistake, or
difficiency, in the said will, or any Law, Statute, Usuage or Custome
to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
Liber LL, 4
An Act appointing how Long suspected runaways shall Lye in
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and with the
advise and Consent of her Majesty's President Councill and Assembly
of this Province and the Authority of the same That when any
pson (Except Negroes and Mullatoes) shall be found Travailing
without Passes and shall be Taken up as suspected Runaways and
by any Justice of Peace Comitted to the Custody of any Sherriffe or
Coaler within this Province It shall not be Lawfull for any such
Sherriff or Goaler to hold such person in Custody Longer than six
months, and if such person Cann at any time within the said six
months produce a Certificate or other Justification that he or she is
no Servant, he or she shall and may by ordr of any two Justices of
the County where such person is Committed to Prison, be discharged
from any further Imprisonmt he she or they, serving such sherr or
Goaler or his Assignes so many days as he she or they were in Cus-
tody [of] such sherr iff or Goaler or otherwise paying Tenn pounds of
tobo p day to such Sherriff or Goaler for their Imprisonment fees
And no more And Paying unto such person or persons, who took
such person up, two hundred Pounds of Tobacco, or serving him her
Acts of 1711,
ch. 16
or them twenty days in Lieu thereof. And if any such Sherriff or
Goaler shall detayne such person In prison after such ordr of two
Justices as afd or the Expiration of six months or payment of Tenn
pounds of Tobacco p day as afd such sherriff or Goaler, shall be
Lyable to an action of false Imprisonment for the same, Any Law,
Statute, Usage or Custome to the Contrary notwithstanding.
p. 24
An Act for payment and assessment of the Publique Charge of this
Whereas there hath been three hundred fifty Eight thousand two
hundred & forty Eight pounds of tobacco and two hundred fifty five
pounds two shillings and five pence in mony Laid out and Expended
for the publick Service of this province to the third day of Novem-
ber this present yeare Seventeen hundred and Eleven to the Intent the
same may be Satisfied and paid to whome the same is Due as by the
Journall of the Committee for Laying the Publick Leavy, And List
for payment thereto annext appeares.
Be it Enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majty by and with
the advice and Consent of her Majtys President Council & Assembly
Acts of 1711,
ch. 17