C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
and appointed by the Comissrs as aforesaid & by the Magistrates of
the City aforesaid shall be by their sevrall and respective Clerks
fairly transcribed and sett up at their sevrall and respective County
Courts and City aforesaid in some Publick place or places there that
any person or persons may peruse the same, for which Sumes and
Table of Prizes every Ordinary Keeper shall pay to such Clerke the
Sume of Forty pounds of Tobaccoe, and any Ordinary Keeper or
Inholder that shall after the setting and assessing the Rates and
Prizes aforesaid directly or indirectly take exact and demand or
receive for the Price and pay for any such Liquors for which the
Rates and Prizes shall be sett & assessed as aforesaid of any person or
persons whatsoever above the Rates and Prizes so assessed as afore-
said shall for every such offence forfeite and pay the Sume of Five
hundred pounds of Tobaccoe one halfe thereof to their Matys and the
other halfe to him or them that shall informe and sue for the same,
and loose every such debt so unjustly charged exacted and demanded
the said forfeiture to be recovered in any Court of Record within this
Province wherein no Essoyne Proteccon or wager of Law to be
allowed. And every such Ordinary Keeper that shall demand exact
or receive above the Sume of Ten pounds of Tobaccoe p Gallon for
small Beer, twenty pounds of Tobaccoe p Gallon for strong Beer
for a nights lodging in a Bed four pounds of Tobaccoe for a Peck of
Indian Sheld Corne or Oates for a horse twelve pounds of Tobaccoe
for pasturage for a horse p night six pounds of Tobaccoe for hay or
straw for a horse p night ten pounds of Tobaccoe shall also pay and
forfeite for every such offence the sume of Five hundred pounds of
Tobaccoe, one halfe thereof to their said Matys the other halfe to
him or them that shall informe and sue for the same to be recovered
as aforesaid & loose his debt so unjustly charged as aforesaid. And
to the Intent that all persons Inhabitants Travellers and Strangers
may be certain of sufficient accomodacons for themselves and Horses
Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that every Ordinary Keeper
or Inholder to be Lycenced as aforesaid shall within six months
after the Granting of their respective Lycences be and are hereby
obliged to provide & mainteyne if the said Ordinary be kept at the
Court House of the said County or att the City twelve good Sub-
stantiall Bedds with Covering for the same, And if the said Ordinary
be kept att any other parte of the County then at the Court house
aforesaid to provide six good Bedds at the least under the penalty of
paying one Thousand pounds of Tobaccoe one halfe to their Matys the
other halfe to him or them that shall sue for the same to be recovered
by Bill Plaint or informacon wherein no Essoine Proteccon or Wager
of Law to be allowed. Provided alwayes that no person or persons
so Lycenced or to be Lycenced to keep Ordinary as aforesaid shall
during the tyme of such their keeping Ordinaryes be Justices of the
Peace nor Comissrs in any County Court within this Province nor