Liber LL, 4
being part of a tract of Land Called St Edmonds and Actually paid
the Purchase mony for the same, which said Thomas Hinton on the
afd nineteenth day of July Anno Dom. one thousand Six hundred
ninety five by his Certain bond or wrighting Oblidged himself and
his heires to Convey and Assure the same by good & Sufft Convey-
ances and Assurances in the Law unto the said Wm Hickman de-
ceased or his heires or Assignes to begin at the bay on the south side
& to runn half the bredth the whole Length into the woods. And
Whereas the sd Wm Hickman and Thos Hinton are both dead, the
said Land never Conveyed or Assured to the said Hickman according
to the Tenner of the said bond and no persons Left to represent the
said Hinton but an Infant of about four years of age uncapable of
makeing any Conveyance, or Assurance of the said Land. And the
said Wm Hickman son & heir of the said Wm Hickman deced haveing
Petitioned this Present Generall Assembly that the same purchase
might be Confirmed to him by an Act of this Generall Assembly and
haveing made appear to this present Generall Assembly the truth of
the said Allegations, And the Guardian of the said Infant haveing
had Due notice to appear before this Generall Assembly to make
his Objections agl the same, if to him it should seem meet But
no objections being made thereto It is therefore prayed that it
may be Enacted, And be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent
Majty by and with the advice and Consent of the president Coun-
cill and Assembly of this Province and authority of the same That
the said Wm Hickman the son shall be and is hereby authorized
and Impowered to Cause the afd bond or wrighting obligatory
to be Entred on the records of Calvert County Court And by Vir-
tue of such recording of the afd bond or wrighting obligatory
and of this act, a good sure, and Indefeazable Estate of Inheritance
of in and to the said half pte of the said Peice or parcell of Land
Called the old Plantation, shall be and is hereby Vested and Setled
in the said Wm Hickman, the son and his heires and assignes for
Ever, in as full and Ample manner, to all Intents and Purposes, as
if the same, had been actually Conveved and Assured bv deed, or
deeds, of Conveyance, or Conveyances, duely Executed by the said
Thomas Hinton deceased or his heires, Saveing to the Relict of the
said Wm Hickman deced all such right as she may or Can Claim of
and unto the same Land by Vertue of the Last will of the said
Wm Hickman deceased any Law Statute useage or Custome to the
Contrary notwithstanding
Acts of 1711
ch. 13
p. 20
An Act Impowering Robert Roberts of Queen Ann's County to sell
part of a tract of Land Lyeing in Cecill County Called New Mun-
ster late the land of John Toas for the uses therein menconed and
to make good and Vallid such Sale.
Whereas it is Represented to this Generall Assembly that Robert
Roberts of Queen Ann's County Glover, became bound for one John