Cutt, Cropt, or Lessned in their Length or breadth abused defaced
or Impaired to be proved by the oath of any sufft Person to whome
the tobacco is Consigned in Great Brittaine or other sufficient Witt-
ness taken before any Majestrate.and a Certificate thereof made by
any Notary Publick or Magistrate and sent hither under his hand
and Seale or by any other Legall proof whatsoever made in this
Province or Elec where shall forfeit and pay the Sume of Six hundred
pounds of tobacco or fifty shillings to the party greived to be recov-
ered in any Cort of record within this province against such Master
or his Security by Action of Debt or on the Case within seaven years
after the date of the bill or bills of Ladeing of such tobacco And
be it Enacted that the Security or Securities of any Master of a
Ship or Vessell within this Province shall be Lyable to make Satis-
faction according to this act for the Croping Cutting abuseing defac-
ing and Impairing of any hoggshead or hoggsheads of tobacco as
afd and prosecuted for the same in any Court of record within this
Province that Cann hold plea thereof And that Every Navall Officer
within this Province shall on Pain of fifty shillings Certifie under his
hand and Seale who are the Security or Securities of any such Master
wch shall be Sufft Evidence in any Court of Record where such
Action is Comenced to prove who are the Security or Securityes of
such Master for wch Certificate the Navall Officer may have & receive
one shilling and no more And that the Severall and Respective Navall
Officers within this Province shall hang a fair Coppy of this Law up
in their respective Offices for the perusall of all Masters of Ships and
Vessells The navall Officer to have and Receive for the said Copy one
hundred pounds of tobacco to be allowed in the County Leavy This
Act to Continue in force from the tenth day of October next for
and dureing and untill the tenth day of December wch shall be in the
vear of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred & fifteen