Porte of Annapolis as aforesaid. To the Sherriffe of Cecill County
one Thousand pounds of Tobacco who is hereby also Oblieged to
Convey all such Letters and pacquetts as are directed to the North-
ward to the Town of Newcastle upon Deleware To the Sherriffe of
Dorchester County Eight hundred pounds of Tobacco. To the
Sherriffe of Sumersett County five hundred pounds of Tobbacco To
the Sherriffe of Calvert County Eight hundred pounds of Tobbacco
To the Sherriffe of Prince George's County one Thousand pounds
of Tobbacco To the Sherriffe of St. Mary's County Eight hundred
pounds of Tobbacco To the Sherriffe of Charles County one Thou-
sand pounds of Tobbacco To the Sherriffe of Baltemore County
Eight hundred pounds of Tobbacco. which said severall & respective
Sums of Tobbacco shall be allowed and paid to the Severall and
respective Sherriffs as aforesaid in Consideration whereof the Sher-
riffs of the severall and respective Countys shall defray all such
Charges as shall accrew by reason of Conveying any such Letters
or pacquetts any former Law usage or Custom to the Contrary Not-
withstanding And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
That if any Sherriffe undersherriffe or Deputy that shall Neglect or
Delay the the speedy Conveying any such Letters or pacquetts shall
forfeitt and pay to his most Sacred Maty for every such Offence the
Sume of five hundred pounds of Tobbacco to be Imployed for the
Defraying parochiall Charges and to be recovered by the Vestry of
each respective parish within this Province where any such Neglect
shall happen in any of his Matys Courts of Record by Action of Debt
wherein no Essoyne protection or wager in Law to be allowed. And
be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all such Letters
and pacquetts be indorsed for his Matys Service and with the person's
Name that sends them and if any person or persons whatsoever shall
att any time after the Publication of this Act presume to Endorse,
any Letter or Letters pacquett or pacquetts so as aforesaid [he] shall
forfeitt and pay for such offence five hundred pounds of Tobbacco to
be Imployed for the use aforesaid to be recovered in manner aforesaid
This Act to Endure for 3 years or to the end of the next Sessions of
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,