of Actions. Be It further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
the tyme the said Officers remaine in Office shall not be Reckoned
nor Accounted in the Act of Limitation and that whereas It hath been
the practice of severall Sherriffs of this province where a person hath
been in prison at the Suite of two or Three severall persons or hath
Layne for the satisfaction of Two or more severall Judgments for the
Sherriffe to charge Twenty a day for each action or Judgment for
prevention whereof Be It Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
if any Sherriffe after the publication of this Act shall Exact or take
any more then Twenty pounds of Tobacco per day of any prisoner
tho he lyes for the satisfaction of severall Judgments he shall be
Lyable to the paines & penalties of a certain Act of Assembly for
settling Officers Fees. This Act to Endure for three Yeares or to the
end of the next Session of Assembly which shall first happen.
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
An Act for Appointing Court dayes in each respective County within
this Province.
[The text of this Act has not been found]
Acts of
ch. 3
An Act for Stay of Executions after the Tenth day of Aprill
Whereas many of the Inhabitants of this Province are & have been
exceedingly grieved & burthened by Executions Laid upon them for
Tobaccoe in Summer tyme, when it is not possible for them to pro-
duce tobaccoe for the payment & satisfaction of their Creditors by
meanes whereof they often tymes [are] kept in prison a long tyme &
thereby disabled from making and Tending their Cropps to the great
prejudice if not Ruine of many the Inhabitants of this Province, being
thereby left destitute of any meanes to satisfye their Creditors For
prevention whereof for the Future Be It Enacted by the Kings most
Excellent Majty by & with the advice & consent of this present Gen-
erall Assembly & the Authority of the same, That after the tenth
day of Aprill in any yeare no Execution shall issue out of any the
Courts of this Province against the body or goods of any person or
persons Inhabiting in this Province till the Tenth day of October next
or untill the Tenth day of October in any yeare during the continu-
ance of this Act for any Debt or Debts or upon any Action Judgment
or Judgments Issued, had, or recovered against the Inhabitants within
this Province in the Provinciall or other County Courts within this
Province for any Causes, Matter or thing whatsoever provided such
person or persons against whom any such Judgment together with
two other persons such as the Justices shall approve off come before
one Justice or more of the Provinciall Court, or before the Major,
Recorder or any Two of the Aldermen of the City of St. Maryes or
Two Commissioners of the Port of Annapolis or Two Justices or
more of the respective County Courts where such Judgment is ob-
Acts of
ch. 4