C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
Acts of
June, 1697,
ch. 8
in anywise notwithstanding. This Act to Endure for three years or
to the end of the next Sessions of Assembly which shall first happen.
An Act for quieting the Differences arising between the Indians and
English in private Controversys.
Because many differences have heretofore arisen & hereafter may
arise between the Indians belonging to the Nations of Indians under
our protection & freindship and dweling amongst us & the English
in private & personall matters which for want of a convenient and
speedy way of determining cause great trouble & inconveniency to
Partys concerned as well the offended as offenders their being no
reguler way of hearing and determining the same but by the Gov-
erneur & Councill which would be very chargable to the Province
by bringing them hither for the prevention whereof for the future
and giveing speedy redress in such cases Bee it Enacted by the Kings
Most Excellent Majty etc. that the Persons hereafter in this Act
menconed be and are appointed authorized & Impowred dureing
the continuance of this Act upon application to him or them made
to hear and determine all differences quarrells & controversies that
hereafter may happen to arise between any Indians & English,
to [sic] private & personall controversies in their severall & respec-
tive precincts, That is to say for the Nation of Choptico Indians in
St. Marys County & the English Inhabitants adjacent Mr Richard
Clowd & Mr Ralph Foster & for the Nations of Ackocick Nan-
jemoy Pomunky & Piscattoway and those that Inhabit within
Charles & Prince Georges County & the English Inhabitants there-
unto adjacent Coll John Addison & Mr Wm Hatton, And for the
Indians in or on the frontiers of Ceecill County & the English there-
unto adjacent Coll Wm Peirce & Majr John Thompson And for those
Nations of Indians of Nanticock Babcoes Ahatchwoops in Dorchester
County and the inhabitants thereunto adjacent Majr Tho: Ennols &
Mr Tho: Hicks and for those Nations of Indians of Manoakin
Rockawakinmany and others in Summersett County & the In-
habitants thereunto adjacent Walter Laine & Rowland Bevons who
are hereby authorized and Impowred to hear and determine all Per-
sonall differences that may happen or arise between the Indians and
English provided the same be only private & of no great moment or
consequence not tending to a nationall concerne in all such cases &
where either party desire to appeal to the Governr and Councill or
refeuse to observe & performe such Sentence of such persons ap-
pointed as aforesaid in all such cases the persons appointed to hear
and determine such matters shall transmitt the partys over to the
Governr & Councill and make report to the Governr & Councill how
he findes the matter between the partys, And any partys that shall
wilfully and contemptiously refeuse or neglect to obeay & performe
the order & determination of such person or persons so appointed as