An Additionall Act to the Act of Religion.
Be it Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent Majties by
and with the advice and Consent of this present Generall Assembly
and the authority of the same that in every respective Parish within
this Province whereunto any Minister is or shall hereafter be ap-
pointed by his Excellcy the Governour of this Province for the tyme
being such Minister as aforesaid shall be added to the Vestry of that
Parish as one of the vestrymen thereof, and if any of the vestrymen
of that Parish as aforesaid shall not appear att the tyme and place
when and where such Vestry shall be held, he or they so omitting
their duty as aforesaid shall be fyned by such and so many of the
said Vestry as shall be mett att the tyme and place appointed accord-
ing to their discretion not exceeding the sume of one hundred pounds
of Tobaccoe (the Minister only excepted) to be imployed towards
the use of the Poore Which said Fyne shall be recovered by the Vestry
in the County Courts where such person or persons shall reside by
Bill Plaint or Informacon wherein noe Essoyne Proteccon or wager
of Law to be allowed :
And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid that the
vestry of each severall and respective Parish within twelve months
after the Publication of this Law or within twelve months after the
finishing of the sevrall and respective Churches in such Parishes to be
built as aforesaid shall procure a Table of Marriages as is Estab-
lished by the Church of England to be fairly written and put up in
their respective Churches under the penalty of one Thousand pounds
of Tobaccoe to every Vestry failing thereof And that all Ministers
Priests or Justices of the Peace marrying any person contrary to the
Rules of the said Table should pay to the Vestry of the said Parish
where the partyes reside five Thousand pounds of Tobaccoe and the
partyes so married shall pay the like Sume the said Sume of Tobaccoe
to be imployed by the Vestrymen of the said Parish for pious uses
att their discretion, which said severall Fynes and Forfeitures shall be
recovered by the vestrymen in any Court of Record within this Prov-
ince wherein noe Essoyne Proteccon or Wager of Law to be allowed
as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the
Vestrymen in each Parish in each respective County of this Province
C O. 5,
Vol. 731,
(Other Acts
of this
Session are
printed in
Vol. 19]
Acts of 1694,
ch. 12
1695, ch. 1)