U. H. J.
after the Publick Good. We heartily condole with Your Excellency
upon the untimely Death of that promising Branch of your Noble
family, who, if Providence had spared his life, had already during
his short stay among us, given an Earnest of becoming an Ornament
to the Country.
It is with a great deal of pleasure, Sir, that We accept and highly
approve of Your Excellency's good Offices, in Setling a Corre-
spondency with the Government of Virginia. • We acknowledge like-
wise, the favour of laying before this House, the Scheme of a To-
bacco Law formed there. This House hath not as yet, enter'd upon
the Consideration thereof, but are Unanimously resolv'd with Vigour
and Application, to Join with the Lower House of Assembly, in all
such reasonable Measures as shall be proposed for the Advancement
of Our Trade, and the Improvement of Our Staple of Tobacco, as
the most Effectual nay, almost only means of procuring the happi-
ness and prosperity of the Good People of this Province.
We heartily thank Your Excellency for the good Advice given to
both Houses, being well Assured, that Unanimity, regulated by
Wisdom and Moderation, can only furnish the means of retrieving
a Trade almost lost, of advancing a Staple now, render'd almost
worthless and uncapable of Supporting the manufacturers; and lastly
of recovering the Good People of this province, from those languish-
ing Circumstances, which the late great Decay of Trade and Mis-
management of the Staple, both here and in Great Britain hath
reduced them unto.
As it is the Principal Business of Legislation to Establish as a
foundation, all the possible and most probable means of promoting
the happiness of the people, and our Country, as We conceive, do
expect nothing less from the Proceedings of this present Sessions of
Assembly, We are therefore in hopes, that no difference upon this
critical Conjuncture will interrupt, or in any manner Obstruct the
bringing about the publick Good, seeing that Your Excellency hath
been pleased in so Generous and publick a manner, to assure us of