quantity that was made before & Consequently all that time, Labour,
Land and Expence, which were Imploy'd before in providing the
Overplus will be Clear gains, & be Used by an Industrious people in
Gaining Riches in another way.
That other Commodities will probably rise Proportionably in their
price is plain not only from Common Experience which Shews that
things Gradually rise in proportion to the Riches of a People but from
the Nature of the thing as an Encrease of Riches Naturally Encreases
the Demands of the People for the Conveniences and Accomodations
of Life
Because tho this Diminution in future payments is an Injury
to all who have any Growing payments within the Intent of the Act
whether the Publick or private persons Lawyers or Clergy yet it is a
Peculiar Hardship upon the Clergy whose Maintenance Arises Solely
from the Parochial Levies of forty pounds of Tobacco p Poll if the
Act should happen to be a Loss to the People in Lessening their
Quantity of Tobacco and not raising its Value they are at Liberty
& will no Doubt make up their Losses by other Uses of their Land
& Labour.
But the Clergy have no other Means of Subsistance than what
arises wholly from those Levys, It is neither Consistent with their
Character to make use of any other nor doth it Seem Agreable to the
Wisdom of a people to put them under a Necessity of Using any
Because the Alteration of the Time for the Sherrif to bring in
his Annual Accounts of Tobacco is Very Detrimental to the Credi-
tors whether Clergy or others who by this Means will Lose the
Opportunity of Disposing of their Tobacco within a reasonable time
& not to the same Advantage with the rest of the people.
And the following Case Viz.
The Case of those that Practice the Law in Maryland and of those
that Trade to that Province