68 Assembly Proceedings, May 21-June 16, 1730.
L. H. J.
For Somerset County
William Stoughton Esqr
For Talbot County
James Hollyday Escf
Mr Samuel Chamberlain
Mr John Edmondson
For Queen Anns County
Capn William Elliott
Mr Augustine Thompson
Mr William Turbutt
Mr William Hemsley
A Sufficient Number of the Members of this House being met
at the Stadt House Mr Beale and Collo Belt were Ordered to go
and Acquaint the Governour thereof. They return and acquaint
Mr Speaker with the Delivery of their Message Philemon Lloyd
Esqr and Coll Richard Tilghman from the Upper House Acquaint
Mr Speaker that the Governour requires him & the other Members
of this House to Attend him Immediately in the Upper House &
then withdrew.
Mr Speaker left the Chair and with the rest of the Members of this
House went to the Upper House where the Governour made the
following Speech. [The text of this speech is printed at page 2.]
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Mr Speaker & the rest of the Members of this House return. Mr
Speaker reassumed the Chair.
Mr Key and Mr Young were Ordered to go to the Upper House
to see Collo Greenfeild a Delegate of St Marys County qualified,
they return and acquaint Mr Speaker they saw the same done.
Resolved that the Hours of Sitting this Session be from Eight in
the morning untill Twelve and from Two in the Afternoon untill
The House Adjourns untill to Morrow Morning- at Eight of the
May 22
Friday May the 22d 1730.
The House met according to Adjournment, The Members were
called & all were Present as yesterday, The proceedings of yester-
day were read.
The Proposals for the more Effectual improving the Staple of
Tobacco in Virginia referred to in the Governours Speech was read
in the House this Day.
Collo Gale Majr King and Mr Dashields appeared in the House
this day.
The Severall Committees that were last Session are Continued this
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Collo Greenfeild was Added to the Committee of Laws.
The Committee of Laws were Ordered to prepare an answer to
the Governours Speech The following Message [The text of this
message is printed at page 7. ] Was sent to the Upper House by Collo