Ross, John (1730), 6, 123, 136;
(1732), 446, 462.
Rossom, Edward (1730), 114.
Rotterdam, Holland (1730), 21,
22, 49, 64, 87, 88, 89, 116. 572.
Rousby, John (1730), 16, 20, 22,
25, 28, 29, 51, 53, 54, 63, 89, 95,
99, 109, in, 123, 131, 134; (J-
I73I), 197, 198, 199, 200. 202,
206, 208, 209, 210, 215, 229, 234,
236, 240, 241, 243; (A. 1731),
257, 260, 262, 266, 271, 272, 277,
2/9, 285, 286, 291, 302, 308, 313,
320, 323, 324, 327, 330; (1732),
369, 370, 375, 384, 446, 453-
St. Ann's Parish, Anne Arundel
County, petition from (1730),
55; bell tolled tor Assembly
(1730), 124.
St. Augustine's Manor (1730),
St. Mary's County, named
(1730), 12, 74, 113; (J. 1731),
238,251; (A. 1731), 3H,330;
(1732), 434, 436; members
from, 6, 67, 68, 120, 130, 134;
(J- 1730, 217, 228, 229, 237;
(A. 1731), 300; (1732), 445,
460; parishes in (1732), 375;
dissent to statute of 1720 con-
cerning parishes, 13; county
court (1732), 402, 403, 441,
483, 484, 524, 561; debtors in
(A. 1731), 262, 264, 294, 298,
310,351; (1732), 401, 436, 437,
443, 452, 483, 562; land es-
tates in (1730), 21, 40, 41, 55,
65,88, 104, 117,577; (J. 1731),
199, 202, 205, 216; sec King
and Queen Parish, Ann Os-
born, Leonardtown.
St. Michael's Parish, Talbot
County (1732), 374.
St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore
County, church in Baltimore
Town (1730, ch. 9), 18, 38, 40,
43, 45, 64, 84, 85, 102, 103, 105,
IO7, I7O; (J. I73l), 212, 242
(A. 1731, ch. n), 261,264, 265,
297,308, 311, 313, 319, 361.
St. Paul's Parish, Calvert Coun-
ty (1732), 374-
St. Paul's Parish, Prince
George's County (1730), 20;
(A. 1731), 259, 262, 270, 271,
305, 3o6, 309, 318; (1732, ch.
29), 383, 426, 432, 434, 443,
403, 499, 504, 509, 559-
St. Peter's Parish, Anne Arun-
del County (1732), 374.
St. Stephen's Parish, Cecil
County (1732), 374, 450, 456.
Salisbury (1732, ch. 15), 397,
398, 403, 411, 442, 464, 479, 485,
489, 490, 537-540.
Salt, importation of (1730), 27,
38, 39,95, 103; (J- I73i), 210,
211; (1732), 379, 382, 457, 462.
Sanders, John (1730), 115.
Schools, tax to support (1732),
415, 420, 422, 423, 424, 443, 493,
494, 498; see also Cecil
County, Patrick Ogilvie.
Scott, Daniel (1730), 38, 67, 102,
122, 131, 135; (J. 1731), 205,
224, 238; (1732), 401, 409, 413,
419, 445, 448, 454, 457, 460, 464,
465, 470, 471, 477, 483, 487, 488,
489, 491, 493, 496, 502, 503, 504,
509, 513, 514.
Scott, Sarah (J. 1731), 207, 208,
213, 215, 216, 239, 243, 244, 253.
Scott, William (J. 1731), 207,
208, 213, 215, 216, 239, 243, 244,
Secretary of the Province, office
(1730), 25, 26, 55. 58.
Sedgwick, Joseph (1732), 370,
401, 463, 483.
Sergeant-at-Arms (1730), 26, 57,
58; Lower House (1730), 123,
136; (A. 1731), 306; (1732),
448; Upper House (J. 1731),
Servants, duty on importation
of (A. 1731), 344; indentured
(J- 1731), 230.
Severn River (J. 1731), 250.
Seward, William (1732), 449.
Seymourtown (1730); see
Sheep, not to be raised in Ches-
tertown (1732), 381, 385, 441,
455, 459, 405, 466, 516.
Sheredine, Thomas (1732), 388,
392, 308, 401, 425, 445, 448, 454,
456, 457, 460, 464, 465, 467, 470,
471, 477, 481, 483, 487, 488, 492,
498, 502, 503, 504, 509, 513, 514,
Sheriffs, fees (1730), n, 18, 23,
44, 47, 48, 106; act concerning
(i73o), 30, 36, 37, 4i, Si, 94,
96, 97, 99, 100, 104, 109; op-
pression by m Prince George's
County (1730), 118; of Cecil
County (1730), 152; to post
notices as to debtors (A.
1730.289; fees in Dorchester
County (1732), 473, 475, 478,
480; summon jurors (1732),
524-526; of Anne Arundel
County summon jurors for
Provincial Court (1732), 527-
Shipley, Robert (1730), 125.
Ships; see vessels.
Simms, Alexander (1732), 4OI>
424, 436, 437, 443, 483, 511, 512,
Sition, John (1732), 376, 410,
459, 483.
Skinner, Adderton (1730), 67,
121, 130, 135; (J. 1730, 194,
198, 217, 224, 231; (A. 1731),
303 J (1732), 396, 397, 405, 445,
448, 454, 457, 460, 464, 465, 470,
471, 477, 479, 486, 487, 488, 493,
502, 503, 504, 509, 513, 514.
Slaves, runaway (J. 1731), 211,
212, 241.
Slye, Charles (1730), 19, 20, 87;
(J. 1731), 206, 207, 210, 239;
(A. 1731), 260, 307; (1732),
434, 510.
Small pox in Annapolis (J.
1731, ch. 8), 200, 201, 202, 208,
209, 210, 215, 233, 234, 235, 240,
241, 246, 386; in Baltim'ore
County (J. 1731), 222, 247.
Smith, Jane (1730), 153.
Smith, John, of Prince George's
County (1730), 9, 34, 44. 52, 65.
91, 96, 158 to 163; of Cecil
County (1730), 43, 53, 57, 66,
71, 74, 105, in, 116, 117, 152
to 154; Colonel (1730), 124,
125, 131-
Smith, Joseph (1730), 113.
Smith, Richard (J. 1731), 195;
(A. 1731), 262, 264, 273, 282,
283, 285, 287, 288, 290, 294, 297,
308, 310, 311, 322, 327, 328, 329,
330, 332, 333, 351, 352, 353, 354,
355, 356; (1732), 382, 386, 396,
397, 398, 403, 405, 463, 479, 485.
Smith, Robert (1730), 114.
Smith, Thomas (1730), 114.
Smith, Walter (1730), 67, 72,
121, 130, 135; (J. I73i), 194,
198, 217, 224, 231; (A. 1731),
303; (1732), 386, 393, 433, 445,
447, 448, 454, 457, 460, 46', 464,
. 465, 470, 471, 473, 477, 479, 486,
487, 488, 493, 502, 503, 504, 509,
5i3, 514-
Smithers, Mary (1732), 568.
Smithers, Richard (1732), 568.
Snowden, Richard (1730), 574-
Sollers, Sabrett (1732), 386.
Somerset County, named, 114,
115, 130, 135; members from
(1730), 68; (J. 1731), 217!
(A. 1711), 301; (1732), 384,
445, 461, 463; court (1732),
524; allowed for a boat
(1730), 119; see act for de-
stroying bears, Salisbury.
South River, petitions of inhab-
itants on (1730), 57-
Spalding, Thomas, Jr. (1730),
12, 74, 87, 164.
Speaker chosen (1732), 370.
Sprigg, Edward (1730), 15, 16,
43, 67, 82, 86, 105, 118, 122,
131, '36; (J. I73i), 196, 217,
228, 229, 237, 244; (A. 1731),
266, 274, 280, 282, 283, 300, 306,
314, 318, 320, 322; (1732), 393,
396, 406, 416, 426, 434, 436, 445,
447, 448, 454, 456, 457, 460, 4o4,
465, 470, 471, 475, 477, 487, 488,
493, 494, 499, 502, 503, 508, 511,
Sprigg, Thomas, 381, 464, 470,
State House repairs needed (A.
1730, 317, 323, 331-