252; named (A. 1731), 3^4',
(1732), 386, 397; members
from (1730), 67, 121, 130, 135 ;
(J. 1731), 217; (A. 1731), 300;
(1732), 445, 460; levy to com-
plete court house (J. 1731, ch.
i), 194, 195, 196, 198, 215, 222,
224, 228, 230, 231, 236, 247;
court (1732), 524; debtors in
(1732), 376, 401, 463 483; see
also Christ Church Parish.
Cambridge, Maryland (1732),
Campbell, Walter (1732), 474.
Canner (Canner), Thomas
(1730), 73, 85; (1732), 450.
Cantwell, Edward (1730), 114.
Cardiff, Robert (A. 1/31), 262,
264, 294, 298, 309, 310, 351,
352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357.
Carr, John (1730), 26, 27, 49,
Carr, Richard (1730), 26, 27, 49,
64, 92, 95. n6, 573-
Carroll, Charles (1730), 37;
(1732), 506, 507.
Carroll, James (1730), 582.
Carr's Landing, 397, 398, 411,
442, 479, 489, 537.
Caulder, James (1730), 173.
Cecil County (1730), 26, 113,
115, 117, 571, 573, 575; named
(A. 1731), 264, 265, 268. 297,
330, 365; (1730), 580; debtors
(i73o), 43, 53, 57, 66, 74, 105,
in, 116. 152 to 154; (A. 1731 ),
264, 294, 298, 303. 310, 35i;
members from (1730), 67,
122, 135; (J. 1731), 217; (A.
1730, 300; (1732), 445, 46o;
allowed for a boat (1730),
119; free school (J. 1731),
195, 225, 226; landing (A.
1731), 269, 270, 272, 281, 297,
3H/3I3, 314, 315, 319, 321, 326,
567; court (1732), 524; see
also St. Stephen's Parish,
Broxen's Point.
Ceciltown; see Broxen's Point.
Chamberlain, Samuel (1730),
22. 30, 45, 68, 71, 89, 97, 106,
119, 121, 135, 186; (J. 1731),
205, 217, 220, 237; (A. 1731),
288, 301, 305, 317, 329, 333.
Chance (land tract), (A. 1731).
269, 270, 272, 281, 297, 315, 367.
Cliancery Court, appeals from
(1730, ch. 16), 39, 50, 65.
Chandler, William (1730), 69.
Chapman, William (1730), 576.
Charles County (1730), 12, 69,
74,87, 113, 115; (J. 1731), 217,
252; named (A. 1731), 314;
members from (1730), 67, 121,
131, 135; (A. 1731), 300;
(1732), 445, 460; debtors in
(1732), 382, 401, 453, 483;
court (1732), 524; dissent to
statute of 1728 concerning
parishes, 13; see Durham,
Port Tobacco, King and
Queen and William and Mary
Parishes; Benedict Leonard
Charming, Molly (Snow), (J.
1731), 208, 211, 246.
Charter of Province (1730), 78.
Cheney, John (1730), 125.
Chester River; see Chestertown,
Hawkin's Prize House Point,
Kings Town.
Chestertown (1730, ch. 15), 6,
34, 39, 49, 65, 69, 98, 99, 103,
107, 109, 172; (1732, ch. 3),
376, 381, 385, 396, 412, 417, 441,
452, 455, 456, 459, 465, 466, 516.
Christ Church, Calvert County
(1732, ch. 12), 374, 396, 398,
403, 405, 442, 450, 464, 469,
479, 485, 486, 488, 531-533-
Christ Church, St. Mary's
County (1732), 375.
Civility, Captain (Indian), 399.
Clagett, George (J. 1731), 195,
226; (A. 1731), 264, 294, 297,
3io, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356.
Clarke, John (Clerk), (J. 1731),
229; (A. 1731), 264, 294, 298,
Clarke, Thomas (1730), 125, 129,
131, 136; (A. 1731), 279.
Clark's Grove, Prince George's
County (1730), 31, 37, 49, 65,
97, 1 1 6, 574-
Clayton, Solomon (1732), 383,
437, 445, 448, 454, 457, 460, 461,
462, 464, 465, 470, 471, 477, 487,
488, 493, 502, 503, 504, 509, 512,
513, 514, 520, 541, 545-
Clayton, William (1730), 114.
Clergy, support of (1730), 76,
Clerk of Council's fees (1730),
Clug, John James, 303.
Cochlin, John (1730), 114.'
Cockey, John (1732), 533.
Codoras (Cadoras) Creek, 506.
Coin, foreign, regulation of
value of (J. 1731), 197, 205,
233, 237; (A. 1731), 266, 271,
272, 273, 274, 277, 298, 311, 312,
314, 320, 322, 323, 324, 333.
Cole's Harbour, Maryland
(1732), 38o.
Colvil, Thomas (1730), 107.
Commissary's Office (1730), 25,
55, 58.
Commissions of judges; see
Committees; see Lower House.
Conawaga Creek (1732), 506.
Conegosheigoe Creek (1732),
Conestogo Creek, 506.
Conestogo Indians, 399.
Conestogo Town, 399.
Connaught Manor (1730), 581.
Conner, Phillip (1730), 114.
Conner, Richard (1730), 113.
Contee, Alexander (A. 1731),
280,282; (1732), 380, 458.
Contee, John (1732), 395, 399,
401, 442, 476, 477, 567.
Continuance of actions (1730,
ch. 16), 39, 50, 65, 103, 108,
177; (J- 1730, 202, 213; in
Baltimore County (J. 1731,
ch. 2), 195, 196, 215; (1732,
ch. 34), 402, 403, 436, 438, 441,
456, 483, 484, f8s, 511, 513, 514,
Cornelius, John (1730), n, 34,
44, 52, 65, 74, 96, 158 to 163.
Cornwallis, William (1730), 45,
SO, S4, 65, 102, 106, 112, 117,
Cosden, Alphonso (1730), 167.
Costs, Bills of, to be delivered
by clerks; see fees.
Costs taxed by clerks (A. 1731),
328; (1732), 503.
Cotton, Richard (1730), 114.
Counterfeiting (A. 1731), 347.
County Courts, jurisdiction of
(J. I73l), 202, 213, 223, 230,
235, 242; (A. 1731), 259, 275,
303, 305, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326,
327; (1732, ch. i), 383, 384,
388, 396, 410, 441, 456, 463, 468,
475, 478, 480, 489, 523-530.
Court of Appeals, proceedings
in (1730, ch. 3), 17, 23, 38, 46,
64, 84, 90, 101, 107, 126, 128,
152, 166.
Courts of Assize (1730), 125,
152; sec also Assize Bill, rules
of (1732), 526.
Court of Delegates, scribes of
(i 730), 82.
Courts, John (1730), 67, 86, 121,
131, 135; (J- I73i), 217; (A.
1730, 257, 282, 283, 285, 300,
302, 327, 328; (1732). 394, 395,
411, 445, 448, 454, 457, 460, 464,
465, 470, 471, 476, 477, 487, 488,
489, 493, 497, 502, 503, 504, 509,
513, 514.
Cox, John (1730), 113.
Coyle, Edward (1730), 31, 42.
Crabb, Ralph (1730), 30, 38, 54,
83, 84, 86, 96, 112, 118, 122, 131,
136; (J. 1731), 213, 217, 229,
233, 237, 243; (A. 1731), 261,
262, 265, 269, 290, 293, 300, 306,
308, 309, 312, 317, 31 8, 320, 323,
330, 334. 364; (1732), 370, 381,
382, 383, 393, 394, 395, 396, 400,
402, 412, 416, 418, 445, 446, 447,
448, 454, 456, 457, 459, 460, 463,
464, 460, 470, 471, 472, 473, 476,
477, 478, 481, 482, 483, 487, 488,
490, 493, 494, 497, 562.
Criminal Law (J. 1731), 204;
(A. 1731), 275; (1732), 523,
526, 527, 529, 530.
Criminals (A. 1731), 326.
Gumming, William (J. 1731),
191, 218, 219; (A. 1731), 301 ;