respect to any Laws made, Manufactures sett up & Trade carried
on there, wch may Affect the Trade, Navigation or Manufactures
of this Kingdom; my Lords Commers have comanded me to give
you this Notice, & to desire you will immediately upon the receipt
hereof, send them the best & most particular Accounts you can, of
any Laws made, Manufactures sett up or Trade carried on in the
p. 47
Province of Maryland, wch may in any way affect the Trade, Navi-
gation & Manufactures of this Kingdom, & that you will take it
for a constant Rule, to send my Lords Commissioners, annual Re-
turns to these Queries.
William Janssen his Lordship's Secretary to Alured Popple
Esqre Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of Trade & Plantations.
I am orcler'd by the Lord Proprietor of Maryland to send you the
inclosed. wch is a short Acct of Yr Province: The extremity of the
weather preventing Ships Sailing, hath prevented its being done
sooner: His Lordship desires you will lay it before the Lords Comrs
of his Alajty's Plantations.
A Short Account of the Province of Maryland Anno 1732
The number of Inhants according to the nearest computation that
can at present be procured is about 96000, whereof 21000 are Blacks ;
but it is very difficult, if not impossible, to give an exact Acct of the
number of white Servants, their times of Servitude daily ending, &
others constantly coming into the Province. It is impracticable to
give an Ace' to what Degree, the number of people in general are
increas'd or decreas'd within these five years last past, there. not being
that I can find, any calculation heretofore made, but only of the
The Comoditys Exported to Great Britain are Tobaco, a small
Quantity of Iron, some Furs, Staves & other Lumber.
There are a few Traders to the W: Indies, the Maderas & Lisbon ;
the comoditys sent to the places above mention'd, are Grain, Bread,
Flower, Beef, Pork & Lumber, & the Comoditys recd fm the W:
Indies are Rum, Sugar & Molasses & wine for the Maderas. New
England carries on a Trade with this Country & exchanges Rum
& Molasses for Grain.
p. 48
The Inhabnts of yr Province still supply themselves with what
Manufactures are needful for them f m G: Britain only, so far as
they can possibly find means to purchase the same, but the exceeding
Poverty of the People in general, occasional by the low price of
Tobaco, hath driven the poor Familys to make some few course
Woollens & Linnens, to cloath themselves, without which they must
go naked.