Chap. XI
p. 357
An Act for the Naturalization of John Henderickson a Native of
Rotherdam in Holland now an Inhabitant of Kent County in
Maryland, and John, Samuel, Rachel, Mary, Mildred, Margaret,
Martha, Rebecca, Hanah and Ruth, Children of the Aforesaid
John Hendrickson.
p. 358
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of
the Same, that the said John Hendrickson the Father, Native of
Rotherdam in Holland now an Inhabitant of Kent County in the
Province of Maryland and John, Samuel, Rachel, Mary, Mildred,
Margaret, Martha, Rebecca, Hannah and Ruth his Children and
Each and Every of them be Enabled and Adjudged to all intents and
Purposes to Demand & Challenge have hold and Enjoy any Lands
Tenements rents and Hereditaments to which the said John the Father
or Jphn, Samuel, Rachell, Mary, Mildred, Margarett, Martha, Re-
becca, Hannah, and Ruth his Children or any of them may or shall in
any Wise be Entituled to within this province as if the same John the
Father had been the Free and Naturall born Subjects of the Kingdom
of Great Brittain and Leige person thereof it appearing to this Gen-
erall Assembly that they the said John the Father and John the Son
have taken the severall Oaths to the Govermt prescribed by Law and
that they the said Samuel, Rachell, Mary, Mildred, Margaret, Mar-
tha, Rebecca, Hannah and Ruth, Children of the said John the
Father are now under age and also that they the said John the
Father, and John, Samuel, Rachel, Mary, Mildred, Margaret, Mar-
tha, Rebecca, Hannah and Ruth, his Children Each and Every of
them tie and are hereby Enabled to Maintain Prosecute avow Justifie
and Defend all and all Manner of Actions Suits Plaints, Pleas and
Other Demands whatsoever within this province as Liberally,
Frankly, freely, fully Lawfully and securely as if he the said John
the Father had been the Naturall Born Subject of Kingdom of
Great Brittain & Leige person thereof any Law Statute usage or
Custom to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.